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1204 results found
Notify Modified Messages And Added Reactions
There should be an option to allow MM to send notifications wheneven user modifies a message or maybe even when a message is deleted.
Also you be great to have anotification wheneven someone adds a reaction to your message.148 votes -
Add a way to spoiler some messages or part of messages
I think it would be a great idea to add spoiler tags like message or message but for spoilers (i.e ^This is a spoil^)
There are several ways to implement this:
-By having an expand/close button for showing/hiding the message
-By having to select the text to see it
-By having to hover on the text with the cursor to see it (might be problematic for touch-based devices)I suggest discussing on what is the best for mattermost.
148 votesFor now, a plugin can be used:
should implement an admin interface to the System Console to make the server auto update to the latest MM release
It would be great to make admins life easier to develop an auto admin function to Mattermost that on click downloads, installs and updates the given installation, so the admin doesn't need terminal or root access anymore. Especially renewing the config (put the existing entries in the new/extended config) would be helpful.
148 votes -
Allow resizing and hiding of sidebar
It would be nice to be able to click/drag the sidebar (where channels are) and resize it/ hide it if desired.
Resizing it and having a channel name abbreviated with ... could make sense;
ex: Town Square once it starts getting cut off would become Tow... (depending on how small you make the sidebar). Then if you go over far enough it snaps into a hidden position
142 votes -
Create a "already used tags" drop down menu when typing # , based on the already used hashtags
To preserve or moderate a given thread , theme or channel, tagging them makes the search much easier afterwards. But to make sure, that the given hashtags will be the same (tag cloud?), by typing # a dropdown should show up with already used tags. Behavior could be the same lile with @ or :(for smileys!).
138 votesHey all! Thanks for upvoting the feature, it is now planned:
Anyone interested helping contribute the feature to the project?
Configurable desktop notifications duration
Mattermost is intended to be team collaboration and messaging tool.
It functions fine when working with channels which are similar to forums or IRC channels.But when sending direct messages, the user experience is quite bad because desktop notifications disappear after 5 seconds and when user is concentrating to something else or is AFK he will miss the notification and doesn't know that someone is trying to reach him.
It would be great if there was a configuration option where user can choose how long the notification should be displayed.
This feature was already implemented in v3.4, but was removed…
136 votes -
allow admins to set the default channels when a member joins
It was nice in Slack to say for the batch of invitees that have been recently invited that they be thrown into channels x, y, z instead of having to manually Add Member to varying channels or ask them to seek out channels and add themselves.
134 votesHey all! The work has now started and we’ve released an experimental setting for default channels.
System Admins can configure default channels via config.json, here is more information about it
Big thanks to @dschalla for contributing this improvement!
JIRA improvements
Add to jira plugin features to notify about new comments, description changes, attachments changes in a ticket.
132 votesThe status of this feature can be followed via this Jira ticket:
Integration with is an open standard for decentralised communication, providing simple HTTP APIs for text chat and VoIP calling and conferencing. It would be great to be able to talk Mattermost <-> Matrix!
126 votes -
Support Gravatar for avatar images
Gravatar support to autopopulate avatar images
124 votes -
Allow different rooms to pop out of the main window in the fat client.
I would like to view multiple rooms in separate windows.
123 votes -
Easily change default channel town-square
Across Go and React code, town-square channel is hardcoded. Maybe we can make it configuration-based so teams can easily change it and the platform can redirect correctly to /channel/<new name>.
However doing this, we also have to change the mobile app code e.g. code.
122 votes -
Add Gitea OAuth2 Support
Support Gitea's OAuth2 provider as an authentication source.
Currently, the team edition only supports GitLab as an OAuth2 source. GitLab is pretty heavyweight and many people prefer other software for a variety of reasons.
Gitea ( is a really nice open source, community supported Git server. They recently added support for acting as an OAuth2 provider (see for documentation). It would be great if Mattermost would support Gitea as an OAuth2 provider.
121 votes -
Have "Unread" option showing all unread messages and notifications across all channels
Slack has something similar that shows above all channels. It makes it easy to browse through your unread messages without having to click each channel separately.
120 votes -
Create an editable message ('wikipost')
Our team documents project features by posting and re-editing posts. (They can then be flagged, or in future, made sticky, to keep them at hand.)
What would be useful here is to make a post that I choose to allow others to edit, in a wiki or confluence-style.
120 votes -
Data Protection from new users
As an administrator, I would like to be able to add new users that cannot read what had been written before they joined.
This somewhat special request has the purpose to ensure privacy to users that already are subscribed. It should be asserted that their statements stay confidential among the scope of users that could read them when they wrote it.
I guess that's not possible yet, is it?
112 votes -
Preinstalled "matter-bot"
I´m just stealing the idea from slack ;)
I would like to see a simple bot that I can configure much like the "Slack Bot" (
This is a great and simple way to get started with bots!
110 votes -
EE: Data retention policy for individual teams and channels
In addition to specifying custom data retention policy globally across all teams and channels (see, allow
1) team and system admins set custom policies for individual teams
2) channel, team and system admins set custom policies for individual channels110 votesWork has begun to support custom data retention policy for individual teams and channels. It is planned for Mattermost Cloud and Mattermost Self-Managed E20.
Uploaded mp4 video files should display with the play controls and preview frame
ummary: Uploaded mp4 video files should display with the play controls and preview frame directly inside the channel for recognizability and immediate playback.
Description: Just as image files received an image preview feature with 4.7 I would like to suggest the same behavior for mp4 video files. Currently there is only an icon and file information in the channel. With a lot of videos uploaded to a channel it becomes hard to distinguish the files.
Also, adding the video play controls below would make it faster to browse through videos.
Could this be implemented using the html5 <video> tag with…
110 votes -
Add ability to convert DMs into private channels
This is a really useful feature in Slack when you realize a topic deserves a dedicated channel, but want the DM history to become a part of it:
109 votes
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