Create an editable message ('wikipost')
Our team documents project features by posting and re-editing posts. (They can then be flagged, or in future, made sticky, to keep them at hand.)
What would be useful here is to make a post that I choose to allow others to edit, in a wiki or confluence-style.
cmousset commented
Hi! This is very similar to the suggestion 'Create an editable message ('wikipost') ' ( ). If it fits your needs, please consider upvoting it ! :)
cmousset commented
Hi! This seems to be a duplicate of 'Create an editable message ('wikipost') ' ( ). If it fits your needs, please consider upvoting it ! :)
Christoph Witzany commented
It would also enable to collaboratively create a document by pinning a post and discussing about it in a thread or the channel.
der_test commented
This would be a relly useful feature for to-do lists with checkboxes that are already available.
Gunnar W. Klau commented
We'd like to edit each others posts, e.g., for meeting reports and the like. Before, we used Slack, and found this feature really useful.
Anonymous commented
channel starting with article, which could be edited by participants with history of changes - like wiki