EE: Data retention and prune/reset/clear channel content options
For compliance, add the ability to delete specific messaging entries from the user interface, including:
- Clear a specific channel of all its content
- Delete all posts from a specific user
- Delete all posts from a specific user in a specific channel
- Delete all posts from/before/after a specific date
- Configure a data retention time

This feature ships in BETA with v4.3 on October 16th.
guillaume commented
Hey, I'm actually trying to Delete all posts from a specific user in a specifi channel from the API.
I managed to delete a post in a specific channel as explained here :{post_id}/delete
But it's only a soft delete, I don't understand how to perform a hard delete. And how to delete all the posts from the channel?
Can you help me ?
Thanks !
someone commented
Just updated the git repo url for my db maint/cleaner -
Ulrich Agricola commented
I totally agree to previuos speakers: because of GDPR and space restrictions, I strongly recommend to make this feature available in team version as well!
OS commented
I'm running v5.18 and can't find this functionality anywhere. Isn't it available in the Team Edition of Mattermost? I only have te option to archive a channel.
someone commented
My code below is a little outdated by now. Use this instead: -
Andreas Kraxner commented
please vote on
to make the feature available on E10 -
Tobias commented
Why is this exclusively a feature in the largest license? In theory, Mattermost should always meet the legal requirements, especially in the EU, without having to pay extra for it.
qkdreyer commented
How can you clear a channel content using Mattermost 4.9.0 ?
Marco Descher commented
This is really ridiculous. I started to use Mattermost through its shipping with Gitlab, and collect logs through it. I consider going on E10 for the push notifications, but requiring E20 for simply clearing logs is really not matching what I think of mattermost overall - and I got a mug from you for developing an extension ...
Anonymous commented
I wish this was available in E10.
Ingo Fischer commented
E20 only? Really? This is a very basic feature for business users and companies (data protection stuff and legal requirements from the country), so it should be available in E10!!
bran commented
formatted the code below and placed it in github.
someone commented
Repo-url changed:
new/current: -
Anonymous commented
We also need this feature, as we share some sensitive information via mattermost too.
It also would be great to specify which channels you want to purge (we have a separate KB channel and I don't want to purge this channel).
Anonymous commented
This is the number 9 most top voted request (and related to it is #3 "Off the record chats"). And this request has been open for 19 months already, which probably means a "no," is it? Does not look like the company listens to their users... or even checks this suggestion board.
Too busy getting mentioned in *Wired* to implement vital features? Bragging in the blog about “a great choice wherever specialist teams need highly secure messaging,” of using Mattermost in the area obsessed with both data retention and shredding? Sorry, not buying that. TV show is a TV show, and real life is real life. All show and no go.
Jochen Oonincx commented
If I cannot use a function such as this I am not allowed to set up Mattermost at all. Mainly because we have to deal with organisations in the following sectors:
- Government (requirement)
- Financial (requirement)
- Network & Security (Wanted, but not strictly required)
- Power Plants (requirement)
- Aviation (requirement)I love the ease of use of Mattermost, however I cannot deploy it unless this feature is included. The only other workaround is to keep resetting the entire environment every interval and rebuild everything and re-invite users. Which is just a real annoyance.
Gwynn commented
It might be not so critical if all posts would be saved encrypted in database. But all posts in plain texts, and it is critical security and privacy hole.
Anonymous commented
One more vote for this. This is absolutely required in corporate use. Another option would be to make sure that a new user never sees older conversation history, only from the moment his account was created.
Think about a very typical scenario: People are talking about a customer / associate / whatever in a not so nice way on a company internal channel. Or for example a failed business case involving that customer. Two months later that associate happens to be hired in the company, given a Mattermost access and he browses old chat history. Not definitely a good thing.
New users just cannot be allowed to access old discussions written before they joined, period. People should be able to assume that only the people at the moment in the chat channel are able to ever read the messages.
Anonymous commented
And now there are 117 votes. So, how significant is it now?? The users here wrote plenty of good(!) reasons for this feature.
dissapointed user commented
The reply from sounds plainly ignorant!! Not every person who lacks the option of deleting message history have time and energy to google for appropriate forum to post it's concerns! We are company of 70 people and started using Mattermost few month ago and our first reaction to lack of history erase option was complaining to our administrator who simply replied that it is not possible. So not all concerned users end up in this forum!