Add a way to spoiler some messages or part of messages
I think it would be a great idea to add spoiler tags like message or message but for spoilers (i.e ^This is a spoil^)
There are several ways to implement this:
-By having an expand/close button for showing/hiding the message
-By having to select the text to see it
-By having to hover on the text with the cursor to see it (might be problematic for touch-based devices)
I suggest discussing on what is the best for mattermost.
For now, a plugin can be used:
Florent V. commented
Could be a nice to have!
Ross Tajvar commented
The plugin does not work for images, and has an inconsistent UX between desktop and mobile. It is not a very good user experience. The developer has said that it is not currently possible to implement support for images:
cmousset commented
I've released a plugin that defines a /spoiler command to hide a whole message with a redacted look (like for spoilers on reddit) for the web client, and a button to show the spoiler for native apps (Android, iPhone...)
If you want to give it a try, I'd be happy to have any feedback :
Regarding the idea of using a /spoiler command to collapse long messages, would you find it better/ok/worse to have a separate command to that effect?
Patrick G. commented
Even steam managed to do it with their first iteration of group chats, and the way they do it is perfect (adding a /spoiler command). Please consider this :)
Hallet Bruestle II commented
The expand/close button would also be real handy for longer quotes from news articles. Often I want to quote a paragraph or two, but I don't want to muddy up the chat with tons of words.
Lokrow commented
I think the expand/close button is the best, it's implemented on other forums I'm on and it's more readable (doesn't leave huge gaps in text) and accessible to touch devices as it only requires one click to expand/close it.
nmatt commented
It would be nice if it works like on some forums, where spoilers are collaped (only take up 1 line) when hidden and uncollapse when unhidden. This way spoilers can also be used as an on-demand display mechanism for stuff that just takes up too much space, e.g. a lenghty explanation, text quote or pictures.
Anonymous commented
I think doing something like Stackoverflow would be neat