Configurable desktop notifications duration
Mattermost is intended to be team collaboration and messaging tool.
It functions fine when working with channels which are similar to forums or IRC channels.
But when sending direct messages, the user experience is quite bad because desktop notifications disappear after 5 seconds and when user is concentrating to something else or is AFK he will miss the notification and doesn't know that someone is trying to reach him.
It would be great if there was a configuration option where user can choose how long the notification should be displayed.
This feature was already implemented in v3.4, but was removed later.
Original issue:

terry commented
This would be a big help. Our salespeople go AFK to look for parts or dig through parts books and miss notifications for new messages. if they would persist or at least stay up longer it would help.
darylr commented
I'm on Windows 10 Enterprise 1809 and the pop-up desktop notifications do not obey configuration set via "Settings->Display->Show notifications for" option. It would be ideal that the Mattermost Windows Desktop client inherit that configuration or provide a client side way of configuring how long the desktop notifications appear for.
It would also be beneficial to have the task bar item blink when a new message is received, and to keep blinking until the Mattermost client window is opened. -
claudia commented
@Chris: in case you're on macOS you can change the config in macos notification center for mattermost from alert to banner; then the notification will disappear after some seconds...
Chris commented
Maybe I'm in the minority, but I find the sticky notifications hugely annoying. If I'm having a conversation with someone (but also doing work in my main window) I don't want to physically close every notification I get sent. Notifications from every other application which sends notifications (e.g. Outlook, Dropbox) disappear after a few seconds. *Please* implement an actual duration, rather than just a binary notifications on or off
claudia commented
OMG - "sticky" desktop notifications seem to work again :) at least on macos.
our administration upgraded to mattermost server version 5.14.2 (don't know from which version), and now the notifications stay on screen again when configured in macos notification center as alerts. i'm still using desktop app 4.2.3 ( on macOS mojave 10.14.6thanks a lot, mattermost team! :)
claudia commented
meanwhile it's the desktop app 4.2.3 (
on macOS mojave 10.14.6 -
claudia commented
i'm using the desktop app 4.2.1 (
on macOS mojave 10.14.5further details - if needed - you can find in my post from March 7, 2019 8:20 AM. thanks a LOT again for taking into consideration :)
Thanks everyone for the suggestion. It would be very helpful if you can share what environment you're using:
1. Desktop app, or which browser
2. Mac/Linux/Windows, and what versionIt seems that some newer operating systems (such as Windows 10) have built in ways to handle notifications. So if you can share what you're currently using, it will help us better understand where the gaps are.
Ryan commented
+1 this is very important to us.
R commented
I would be pleased if this function becomes available, missing a lot of messages right now :-(
J commented
We have a lot of missed messages because users are moving around away from their desks often - if they don't leave the main window open (or at least minimized) - they won't see it until they open it again
claudia commented
+1 / i _really really_ consider this feature as useful... in our company we used mattermost 4.3 for two years for evaluation, and i had configured my mattermost macos desktop client together with the banners/alerts config from macos' notification config, so that direct messages would stay on the desktop until i closed them. that worked quite fine.
now our administration has upgraded mattermost from 4.3 to 5.7 (in january), and as the feature had been removed in 5.0 with june 16th, 2018 release my sticky alerts are gone, and it's sad - to describe it nicely: i miss a lot of direct messages or read them way too late... same for some colleagues, too, who also had used the sticky, i support very much the reintegration of configurable desktop notifications duration! thanks a lot for taking into consideration.
Ondrej Krivan commented
Daniel Milde commented
I would like to implement it if this feature is accepted as useful.