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1204 results found

  1. Add import from hipchat

    Hipchat to mattermost move API

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  2. Provide for multiple fonts

    Recently the ability to choose fonts was removed. See Now there is only one font, and it renders poorly for me (insufficient weight/contrast) on smaller high DPI displays. This makes the GUI very hard to use. Please provide a way to select among a set of fonts, or ideally specify my own.

    Frankly the justification for removing the feature was weak. Let the user decide if the load time or other trade offs are worth the better rendering.

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  3. Add badge for all unread non-mention messages

    Add badge for all unread non-mention messages to sidebar. Something like in skype. Actually it had already implimented, and would probably be merged into main release if a lot of people will be interest in this.

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  4. 81 votes

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  5. Mattermost Federation

    Let all the Mattermost instances connect to each other, like the way Jabber/XMPP does it. So if I want to chat with someone on another instance, I just open my own instance and add a contact like "nameofuser@mattermost.otherdomain.tld" and the two Mattermost instances will connect to each other.

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    As a starting point, anyone from community interested in helping add this through an integration?

    If so, we can open an APR to discuss (

    API documentation here:

    You might start with open source Mattermost apps like Matterircd (IRC server) which might have a lot of the parts you’d need:

  6. marking posts as read on viewing, not all in channel at once

    For example I have off-topic channel with 1000 unread messages. I want to read them all, but it takes 15 minutes or more. I start reading, read about 200 messages, but at that time I receive very important direct message, or mention in other channel. I switch to that channel, do what I need, but when I come back to off-topic channel, i have all messages marked as read. moreover - I instantly jump to the end of a channel, not to place where i stop reading.

    Also even if channel is opened, but i am reading something in past…

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  7. Enable omission of message snippets in email notifications

    For organizations with advanced compliance requirements, this feature should enable a System Administrator to omit the inclusion of message contents in email notifications.

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  8. resize image upload

    Fist important use of mattermost is sharing picture.
    We need to upload a smarphone picture with a good resize for not explode server hard drive. (picture management is not easy with history)

    For example when we upload a picture, a menu ask:
    Choose size upload:
    - original size (~4mB)
    - full hd (800 kB)
    - 1024px (200 kB)
    (we can use mozjpeg lib)

    Resize coulb be on the sever or on the app, but it's necessary.

    This feature is not on slack and i don't understand WHY.

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  9. 75 votes

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  10. zoom inside picture

    I think it could be a really good idea to have the possibility to zoom inside shared picture. Sometimes it's too small, we need to download it and then zoom inside it.


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  11. Keyboard shortcut to change team

    To have a single mattermost client connected to several teams is a great feature.

    What i find missing is a keyboard shortcut to change team. The other shortcuts are very good and I usually can navigate through many channels and conversations with keyboard only, but when I see that have received in other team, I have to use the mouse.

    Perhaps you could add tabs or something similar to the "quick channel switcher" (Ctrl-K) or have a new shortcut to switch teams (e.g. Ctrl-T).

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  12. Make your own roles just like discord

    Be able to name, delete, add, and managed roles just like discords

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  13. Enable more/custom spelling languages

    Add more 'Spelling Languages' options or provide a method for people to add their own dictionaries.

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  14. CMD/CTRL+number should switch teams

    Hitting CMD+1 should select the first team, CMD+2 should select the next etc. (I guess this translates to ctrl on Linux / Windows).

    Right now its a lot of mouse movement to switch between teams.

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  15. hide offline contacts

    It would be nice to have an option, that enables the user to hide contacts that are currently offline.
    This would mainly apply to the "direct messages".
    It is really annoying to search through a long list (~50) of contacts you often need to chat with, when about 50% are currently offline and are therefore of no interest at the moment.

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  16. Make notifications for multi-person direct messages work the same as for single-person direct messages.

    Make notifications for multi-person direct messages work the same as for single-person direct messages.

    Scroll down to the bottom of the Direct Message section in the channel bar and click More...

    Choose 2 names to send a message to and click Go

    Type a message in the chat window

    Expected behavior
    On the recipients' clients, the taskbar icon should show a red dot with a number (eg: 1)

    On the system tray icon, a red dot should appear.

    Observed behavior
    On the recipients' clients, the taskbar icon shows a red dot with a white dot in the middle…

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  17. member list

    Member list on side of chat window w/ status indicator

    Show a member list on the side of the chat window listing all the users that are in the current room, sorted by status and then name (so that logged out users are at the bottom).

    This seems critical to communication .. who's in the room, who's online, who am I talking to, am I in the right room before typing @everyone, etc. At a glance. The little member button with drop down is insufficient especially in rooms with hundreds of people.

    This is a repost, but the original is…

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  18. Build a thread system similar to Twist

    As plenty of companies around there we find Slack/Mattermost a bit too chatty at times. More importantly, it sometimes makes it really hard to follow discussion around a specific topic. For now we have two choices :

    1. Create a specific channel around a topic. But you can start to have a lot of channels really fast
    2. Use "threads". But to be frank threads implementation is really lacking and not practical for complex discussions

    A new player,, has an interesting take on this problem. Real time channels still exists, but there is another category of channels, entirely based on…

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  19. 70 votes

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  20. 69 votes

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