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273 results found

  1. Add quote reply in addition to collapsed threads

    Currently, in order to reply to someone a few messages back, you hit the reply button and it goes into a thread. Alternatively, Mattermost could add a quote button on messages next to the reply button. When you click quote button it should work like reply in modern messengers with text of the message or part of it and name of the creator of the message.
    Threads are useful, but creating them for replying to paticular messages can be a bit of an overkill.

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  2. Display Nickname or Full Name Based on Settings

    I configured nicknamefullname: true, but the username is still displayed while drafting a chat. This is not user-friendly.
    The same problem also occurs when full_name: true is configured.

    I'm Japanese, and Japanese characters cannot be used in usernames. Therefore, displaying only the username is very troublesome for my organization.

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  3. Change mmctl user to also allows changing the firstname / lastname (aka fullname) as well as the alias

    When using MM with auth providers, in most cases, its not possible to change the user data once a user has been created.

    It would be nice to be able to use

    mmctl user name --firstname Igmar --lastname Palsenberg igmar

    from the cli.

    If we agree, I'll do a PR for the code changes.

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  4. Add functionality to automatically add new users to a team

    A lot of new users are unfamiliar with / confused by teams. So they don't select one, and then can't post anything, and an admin has to manually add them. There should be an easy way for all new users to be automatically added to a team.

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  5. allow the Late Time Warning to be disabled or modified

    Not everyone works a regular schedule. Constantly being "warned" about messaging someone during their regular work hours could get really annoying. The ability to disable this, or to alter the time(s) that would incur a "warning" should be a relatively low LoE.

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  6. Sort Emojis

    It would be great if it was possible to sort emojis manually as to promote certain internal custom emojis.

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  7. Alt text for user-posted images

    Users should be able to add alt text to their images. This is actually necessary to comply with accessibility legislation in Canada.

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  8. Add an option to require explicit opt in consent when registering a new user

    Currently, disclaimer text exists in Mattermost directing users to the privacy policy and terms of use, below the create account button (user registration page). I propose that these should be explicit opt-ins using a checkbox or radio button pairing, rather than an assumed opt-in.

    Regulations will differ around the world, and people's preferences will differ, so this should probably be a configuration option rather than a flat behavour change.

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  9. Thread Profile Icon

    I hope you can set the profile icon to appear on all posts regardless of timing.

    By the way, Rocket.Chat groups in 300 seconds by default.
    It seems that you can change the number of seconds that are grouped.

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  10. Allow users to reset "Do not ask me again" prompts

    A Jira issue ( implemented a modal pop-up that prompts users to reset their presence to "Online" when they first open the client in cases where they previously set their status to "Away" or "Offline" in the UI.

    Once you select "Do not ask me again" you are never asked again. As a downside, there is no way to reset this prompt. You're stuck with your decision forever... unless you can hunt through the Mattermost DB to delete the right value from the right table.

    Users should be able to reset any "do not ask me again" prompts…

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  11. Line numbers for code blocks

    When in meetings (with slow internet speed where you cannot share your screen), it is difficult to refer to lines of code that are not numbered and discuss things. It'd be great if lines were numbered or at least there was an option to optionally enable such a feature or a separate "numbered codeblock" feature.

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  12. seen messages in direct message or channel

    In Telegram you can see who read the message in channel.
    I think it's good feature, because right now I gotta set reaction on message to let know user who mentioned me that I read it and he doesn't need to repeat it me in DM. also we want this on direct message

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  13. Support for syntax highlighting in Mattermost Boards

    Mattermost Boards should support, in Cards text content, code blocks with language specification. For example:

    // Your First Program
    class HelloWorld {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            System.out.println("Hello, World!"); 

    Refer also to the following issue:

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  14. Option to make username invisible

    When creating a post or searching for users to add to teams or channels, only the full name or nickname should appear and the username should be hidden according to a configuration.

    In my case, a username is linked to a worker's ID, which is pretty personal and long to show.

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  15. data retention/purge in open source edition

    I occasionally check in, to see, if mattermost is usable, now.

    Instead, you made it worse.

    You deleted the original thread from years ago:

    This is still wide open:

    It would be nice to propose switching to mattermost, but as it stands, it is still unusable.

    There's clearly a need:

    Even though few people are aware this 'uservoice'.exists, many people have asked repeatedly over years.

    I voted for the first time (couldn't bother signing up so far). But reading this post, this is at least from 2016. Seems you do not care for new users.

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  16. Integration

    Similar to Boards, it would be advantageous to have the ability to draw charts collaboratively with the rest of the team within the MM app. is an open source software with permissive licensing so it wouldn't be too much work to implement this feature relatively quickly.

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  17. Configurable full name display order ("First Last" or "Last First")

    normal: First Name, Last Name
    want to: Last Name, First Name

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  18. Highlight part of conversation

    It'd be lovely if there was a way to highlight text in an ongoing thread/discussion. It's quite common that when posting long texts, the responding person/people miss part of what has been entered.

    E.g. I'll enter three paragraphs of text, the person/people responding completely miss out on what's entered in the second paragraph. Rather than having to enter "As I was saying, above, in my second paragraph...", it'd be very useful to be able to highlight a block of text.

    Not sure if I should only be able to highlight parts of my own text, or any text.

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  19. Display all unsent draft messages in one place

    Every once in a while, I stumble upon an old draft I started typing, never finished or sent, in various locations (public / private channels, direct messages, threads...). It's nice that the icon next to the location is sometimes showing clearly that I have a draft there, but with many channels/DMs/threads I still risk losing a draft.

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  20. Allow to disable thread autofollow when whole channel was mentioned.

    Add parameter that allows Mattermost admin, to disable thread autofollow while having collapsed reply thread turned on while mass mentions are used (@channel, @all, @here).
    I want my users to get notification, but not to follow this thread automatically, afaik, this is not possible at this moment, because thread autofollow must be set to true in config.json, for collapsed reply thread to work.

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