Have "Unread" option showing all unread messages and notifications across all channels
Slack has something similar that shows above all channels. It makes it easy to browse through your unread messages without having to click each channel separately.

Jeff Silverman commented
I find it very frustrating. I know I have an unread message, but I cannot find it. So then I have the red dot with the mattermost icon, and I have no idea if it is something I ought to know about or something that I looked for and could not find.
Ben Bodenmiller commented
There is a setting in account settings under sidebar to group all unread channels at the top. This is good but would like to see one that shows all unread channels across all my teams.
Jeff Grisenthwaite commented
After experimenting with different ways to view messages in Slack, I settled on this as my default and never looked back. It was incredibly efficient to view all unread messages as a single stream, and mark each as read after I had dealt with them.
It's much better than moving from channel to channel in Mattermost.
EverMe commented
And for the browser?
Anonymous commented
Hi, it seems this feature has been rolled out to the mobile apps but not on the desktop/browser apps. Any updates on that front?
Anyone who is involved with multiple channels would really appreciate this feature.
Ray commented
Re -- FYI, this should be available in the final version of the 2017 Mattermost mobile apps releasing in July: https://github.com/mattermost/mattermost-mobile --
Does this mean this will also be available on the web interface? Many thanks :)
FYI, this should be available in the final version of the 2017 Mattermost mobile apps releasing in July: https://github.com/mattermost/mattermost-mobile
LaughingWolf commented
Yes please! That would be so convenient, specially when following many channels.
Ray commented
This feature would also be much appreciated by my community, where many of us require accessibility features. Neurodiverse people with information processing issues find this feature more than useful to help manage their interaction with Mattermost channels