Create a "already used tags" drop down menu when typing # , based on the already used hashtags
To preserve or moderate a given thread , theme or channel, tagging them makes the search much easier afterwards. But to make sure, that the given hashtags will be the same (tag cloud?), by typing # a dropdown should show up with already used tags. Behavior could be the same lile with @ or :(for smileys!).

Hey all! Thanks for upvoting the feature, it is now planned:
Anyone interested helping contribute the feature to the project?
Anonymous commented
would be very useful
c jk commented
How is this feature coming? it seems like it may have been demoted?
This feature is really fundamental as everyone here has been saying..
Anonymous commented
this feature is very important, i hope it will be in the team-edition as well
Frank commented
any news regarding this feature proposal?
Frank commented
Yeah.. us too.
Any news regarding this feature ? Is there already an issue created? -
Anonymous commented
We would really appreciate if this feature would find it's way into the release. Typing errors or intuitive wording of different people makes it very hard to search for the correct hashtag.
Tom Pearce commented
Worried that we'll end up with numerous slightly different hashtags that'll make searching for particular threads difficult
tjlandy commented
This would be an incredibly useful feature. Using hashtags with a large group of people at the moment is hard unless you (manually) keep a central list of all hashtags in use, otherwise people create new ones for something already in use.
hollov commented
how many votes needed to take it into consideration?
hollov commented
And show the same drop down / autocomplete when typing into the search field
David Bourgeois commented
There's a proposal like this already: -
Filipp Lepalaan commented
It's nice that one can deffine keywords in messages using hashtags, but the feature would be much more useful if users could get a hint of available tags when searching for a keyword.
I would suggest adding autocompletion to the search field, if the entered text starts with a #-symbol.
Axel commented
Autocomplete on typing a hashtag would be really useful to stay consistent. An option like a list or tag cloud would be good too to get an overview what is currently used.
finius commented
yeah, good point! Helps to unify the used tags in the team
Patrick Schwarck commented
I would extend this to showing the number of used hashes. This could lead to a "hot list" , which could attract users to given topics.
finius commented
To let users get informed of what hashtags are currently used within a channel or Team, an overview of used Hashtags (like a hash tag Cloud) could be useful.