Keyboard shortcut to change team
To have a single mattermost client connected to several teams is a great feature.
What i find missing is a keyboard shortcut to change team. The other shortcuts are very good and I usually can navigate through many channels and conversations with keyboard only, but when I see that have received in other team, I have to use the mouse.
Perhaps you could add tabs or something similar to the "quick channel switcher" (Ctrl-K) or have a new shortcut to switch teams (e.g. Ctrl-T).

Thank you for nominating the feature! It is now available in Mattermost v5.22.0.
Katherine Moss commented
I am in a similar boat. While I can swap between teams, I always have to nav back to the top of the screen using normal screen reader browser shortcuts (I use JAWS for Windows), and then use the arrows. Works fine for smaller amounts of teams, but could get unwieldy for larger servers.
Phill F. commented
I am amazed that this feature doesn't exist in MatterMost yet. I try to stay on the keyboard as much as possible. It annoys me that I have to move my mouse to change teams. I use Fusion, a screen magnification software, and have my mag level set at 2x. Using magnification reduces my possible view port so I am forced to grab the mouse and move to pan over and see teams.
If there was a teams switch that would take keyboard/mouse focus thus pulling the mag viewport then this would save a ton of time.