CMD/CTRL+number should switch teams
Hitting CMD+1 should select the first team, CMD+2 should select the next etc. (I guess this translates to ctrl on Linux / Windows).
Right now its a lot of mouse movement to switch between teams.

M commented
Hi. Using ctrl+alt+numbers is bad idea for shortcut keys as it interferes with ability to type special characters in some languages. This affect at least @ -character in Finnist which is typed using ctrl+alt+2. Can you change server switch shortcut to ctrl+numbers instead? Microsoft has a good article about using shortcuts here:
Sergio Siccha commented
This would be really nice to have. I never need to switch servers, but all the time need to switch teams.
Ah, it looks like something is happening here:
Wertzq Poiuz commented
Is anything happening here ?
Ben Brown (001dex) commented
I second Ikraav's suggestion. CMD/CTRL+[1-9] for teams and CMD/CTRL+SHIFT+[1-9] for servers makes a lot of sense.
Great feedback Ikraav! We just created a design spec that's in progress.
Would you be interested reviewing and sharing feedback? You should have access to add comments in the document, or you can share it here if that's easier.
Others in the community are welcome to share feedback as well!
lkraav commented
> Right now the CMD/CTLR+number works for different Mattermost servers, not teams. But we've considered changing it to apply to teams instead.
Glad to see you guys following this in an active fashion. Indeed, I now realize the docs are talking about multiple servers. I have a single server (for now).
I'm a Slack power-user (multi-team, multi-company) and think Ctrl+`1..9` should switch teams (smaller object, shorter shortcut), Ctrl+Shift+x could switch servers (larger object, larger shortcut).
Your thoughts? I was going to file a GH issue, but went through here first, as your GH issue template is quite solid with instructions. But looks like GH time now, yes?
Hi Ikraav, thanks for the note. Have you entered multiple server URLs in your desktop app?
Right now the CMD/CTLR+number works for different Mattermost servers, not teams. But we've considered changing it to apply to teams instead.
lkraav commented
I'm also surprised this hasn't happened yet. Also confused: says
Switch teams (these shotcuts also reopen the main window)
Ctrl+{1-9} (Menu Bar -> Window -> Team name): Open the n-th tab.But at least on Linux, this shortcut does not work.