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1204 results found
Code snippet with preview
It would be really nice to have preview boxes of long code blocks (Code snippets).
It should be cropped if there are more then x lines (maybe configurable), and could be opened in a new tab or fade out within the chat. An extra code viewer "window" would be nice.E.g. : is really easy to do so:
Add a span/div element within the code block, give it absolute bottom position and a height (50px here), give it a gradient bg color and give the code block a max-height with overflow hidden. there you go.66 votesThe feature is under review. Would anyone would be interested contributing the improvement if we made it a help wanted ticket?
Integration with Bitbucket
Please create an integration with bitbucket
66 votesWe have a new integration supporting BitBucket. Would anyone like to give it a try and share feedback on how it works for your team?
add copy to clipboard code block
Have a button in the code block to copy it on clipboard
65 votes -
Adding a "Do Not Disturb" Mode
We all know that people need to concentrate to work efficiently. This is why macOS and then all the operating systems have introduced the "Do not Disturb" mode, which allows to focus on your work.
And I think we can do even better while integrating it to Mattermost.
What is in the "Do not disturb" functionality ? It stops alls notification except the ones which doesn't disturb you.
But the question is : why is it interesting to add it to Mattermost ?
In a Mattermost server (for me), there are lots of different channels. Even the basics channels of…64 votes -
Support for the Slack Real Time Messaging (RTM) websocket API
The RTM API allows integrations to connect to slack from behind a firewall, seemingly connecting much like a normal desktop client might, from any computer, not just an externally visible server.
It's a very important enterprise feature for those wanting to integrate Mattermost with their internal applications.
Further discussion on this can be found here: this slack FAQ describes the differences between the Events and RTM API's: is the Slack RTM API spec: votes -
Use Gitlab's API to provide metadata for private resources
Gitlab projects are more often than not shielded off into private repos.
Given that Mattermost easily installs along with Gitlab (using the Omnibus installer, just by providing the url mattermost can listen on) it would make a lot of sense to have that info there; instead of a very unhelpful & confusing "Sign in" metadata63 votes -
Advanced message/rich text editor
Currently, it's not easy to write long and complex messages (source code for example). It would be nice to have the option to open a rich editing window.
For example, another icon could be added at the left of the input box that opens a rich editing window with something like tinymce features. Slack has something like that . A plus icon is at the left and you can choose various ways to enter text according your needs. Even code snippets.
61 votesThis is planned, Jira ticket here for tracking:
Add support for SQL Server
Most enterprises medium or larger have SQL Server licenses and supporting infrastructure (DBA team, servers, backup/recovery scripts, etc.) already established.
Support for SQL Server would be very helpful so we can leverage what we have in-house already.
61 votes -
Use different color for nicknames
Using various colors for nicknames improves readibility a lot!
Slack does it already.
60 votes -
*.mov in-line or pop up player support
In our Mattermost 5.0 instance:
mp4 videos have a play button to launch a preview pop-up.
youtube video (link) will launch an in-line preview
However, .mov files have a play button (just like the mp4) but links to download and not preview.Question: is there a way to enable .mov file preview in-line or pop-up?
Ryan60 votes -
Allow Emoji in Channel Name
Allow emojis to be used in a channel name.
59 votes -
Add better filters/search for messages and attachments
Have a panel in the sidebar (similar to Slack) to view all available files/your files for the team/channel. Filters by file type and being able to search the filename would also be nice.
Have additional search filters (again similar to Slack) such as the time/duration or the has: qualifier (e.g. has: link)
58 votes -
Notifications for replies in threads, and ability to follow/unfollow threads (like slack)
I wish there was a notification setting like in slack to enable the setting "Notify me about replies to threads I'm following"... and then the ability to opt-out of following threads (but following them is automatic for any threads that you start or comment on)
58 votes -
Option to disable spell checking
Currently, spell checking is always enabled and cannot be disabled.
To some users, the red underlining is visually distracting. Also, the spell checker is currently unable to detect on-the-fly, in-sentence language switching, which is sometimes used in mixed-language teams or when discussing mixed-language subjects (like programming).
Therefore, I'd like to suggest adding an option to permanently disable spell checking - either in the configuration, or, in the input bar's context menu, where the spell check language is usually selected.
In the input bar it could look like this:
58 votes -
make administrators able to look into private chats
In corporate environments it is sometimes necessary on legal grounds to check an employees communication. Usually the management asks the IT therefor to deliver ones communication. Currently an administrator is neither able to view the existing private chats from any user nor is there an export function to extract all users content from the database
57 votes -
make threads multilevel with nested replies
After using Mattermost in a large organization setting it is quite clear that threads need to have multiple levels. Meaning I should be able to reply to someone else's reply and have it show up indented under his. This would be extremely useful once threads are made collapsible. Think of Reddit comment threads.
57 votes -
Make emoji replacement a separate option from the rest of post formatting
I consider it unacceptable that I can't choose to disable having my words replaced with emoji, without also having to give up on EVERY SINGLE post formatting feature. I want to be able to use post formatting, just NOT have any emoji appear without me explicitly choosing to insert them.
57 votes -
Mattermost Bulk Export Single / Selected Team
While the current Bulk Export Tool - - allows backend admins to export all the teams based on the following command:
sudo ./mattermost export bulk /home/user/bulk_data.json --all-teams
It will be great to have the ability to export single / selected team to remove any "inactive" teams when moving / migrating systems around.
The current workaround of removing unwanted teams from the export file is not ideal for instances that have a large number of teams.
57 votes -
Add a popup notification when someone calls you (using the new calls beta)
Currently, in the new calls (beta) in v7.0, when someone calls you, you get the same notification as you would get with a normal chat message. This does not really grab the attention of the receiver, who might think it's just a chat message notification or just miss it entirely due to the brevity of the notification, leaving the caller waiting indefinitely in an empty call.
Could the mattermost devs add an option to enable e.g. a popup window or a continuously ringing sound when someone calls you? This would greatly improve the usability of the call functionality. Currently, I…
55 votes -
Implementing Pingdom Webhooks
Actually Pingdom webhooks aren't supported, either in (old) /GET nor (new) /POST flavour.
New /POST format:
HEADERSAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: /
Content-Length: 621
X-Request-Id: 23152976-5a56-45b8-9d0a-9a782b57691b
Via: 1.1 vegur
Total-Route-Time: 0
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: pingdom-bot
Connect-Time: 1
RAW BODY{"checkid": 2148165, "checkname": "test", "checktype": "HTTP", "checkparams": {"basicauth": false, "encryption": false, "fullurl": "", "header": "User-Agent:Pingdom.combotversion1.4(", "hostname": "", "ipv6": false, "port": 80, "url": "/"}, "tags": [], "previousstate": "UP", "currentstate": "DOWN", "statechangedtimestamp": 1464616436, "statechangedutctime": "2016-05-30T13:53:56",…
54 votes
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