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273 results found
186 votes
open the emoji picker with typing ":", followed by pressing Tab
I'd really like to see the emoji picker that can be activated as described in the title, instead of the ":" followed by minimum of 2 characters as it is at the moment.
I'm aware of the full picker ticket, but as i understand it doesn't include this feature.1 vote -
Add the option to increase font size
Currently the web interface has no option to increase the font size. This is plainly silly. Please fix this ASAP.
102 votes -
Restore should be in Team edition or Channel delete in Team edition should be permanent
If i delete a channel i cannot create a new one with same name. nor can i restore the previous channel without enterprise edition.
I suggest to move feature of restoring to Team edition. Alternatively make channel deletions permanent so another channel with same name can be created.
3 votes -
Option to disable user "Access History"
Mattermost seems to log all user IP as a default.
Maybe it would be a nice option to opt-out per user or system wide the logging of all IP addresses.4 votes -
Use the "fallback" field from Slack's webhook attachment format as text for notification, when the provided text is empty.
The slack attachment format defines a fallback field, that is required for attachments to be valid, and is used when the full-formatted message is not usable in a particular context (e.g. text-mode clients, notifications).
For example, Slack uses that fallback field for the text of notifications. I believe that Mattermost should do the same.
That would require changes on the webhook-related code, on the format of the post object that is forwarded in Javascript, and on the code that generates the text shown in notifications. I could work on a PR if you are favorable to the idea.
11 votes -
Hotlink preview for uploaded image instead of thumbnail
When uploading images it will be nice to have a preview features (like when entering an image through a link) instead of the current generated thumbnail which is not very representative of the image. This is somehow how Slack is showing uploaded image.
7 votes -
Prevent non-admin users to rename channels
I'm aware of your business model and I'm fine with an advanced permissions system in the paid edition. I'm also aware that you carefully thought through the channel management for basic users (see and think it's a good way of approaching things.
But please, consider removing the ability for every one to rename channels. This is not useful, doesn't really make sense and more importantly leaves the ability for anyone to ruin a setup (prank or sabotage). It also gives a feeling of totally uncontrolled environment for these users.
This small feature makes me question the entire usage…
14 votes -
send message later
I'd find it realy useful to be able to send a message later at a given date and time (e.g. like Buffer).
Often, I'd find some useful or interesting info I want to post to the team chat at off-hours, and the message could either be overlooked because the timestamp will be quite old during work hours, or I'd disturb team members who have hot keywords defined and get notified automatically.340 votes -
Order DM and Members list by online indicator
- Member list (popup box) in the header
- Direct Messages list
- If you can change order by in this lists to order first by online status, then second by name, then it could be more useful.
5 votesThe member list in the channel header now orders members by their online status and then by their name.
Unread posts in the API
I want to use the API to check if I have unread posts, but it doesn't seem the API contains such a counter. It contains a
and amention_cout
, but not the counter I want.
There is still a possible hack:
For each channel in a team:
* Get the timestamp of the last visit
* Get the posts created after that timestamp
* Count them
Besides the fact that it's insanely complex compared to a simple yet handy counter in the API, it involves that we have to fetch the content of all the unread posts, which…23 votes -
Daily / weekly email digests
I know it sounds like the “email batching” feature added in Mattermost 3.4
… but for non-professionnal environnement, a daily, weekly, or even 15 days or monthly “digests” of notifications and/or channels activities would be very useful. Even with one hour batches, members deactivates their notifications when they can't work everyday for the team.
“Slow projects” don't need immediate responses, and a moderate usage of notifications would be appreciated.
In some circonstances, a good (slow) timing of reminder could even drive members' involvement (e.g. for those who takes a few hours per week for a project).
This could be…
37 votes -
3 votes
3 votes
copy existing mattermost token to other teams
Currently there are many integrations via webhook / slash commands that need a specific token to be set up in the configuration.
if you want to use the same slash command for several teams its not possible without updating the database manually with the same token you used before in another team.
the best option would be something like a seperate option to set the generated token id manually, so its possible to use 1 token for 1 integration for all teams that are created in mattermost.
Did the same manually in the mattermost database, by selecting the commands table…
3 votes -
Show filenames after dragging a file into a message
Currently when you drag a file into a message the name of the file isn't shown until you send a message. It would be nice if the filename could be displayed before sending so that you can confirm the right file was dragged in.
3 votes -
Have "Unread" option showing all unread messages and notifications across all channels
Slack has something similar that shows above all channels. It makes it easy to browse through your unread messages without having to click each channel separately.
120 votes -
view or copy source of a message
It would be really useful to reuse markdown messages.
Currently, Users can see raw message only when markdown is disabled.
And they can only copy their own messages.30 votes -
smtp authorization support request
for most small company, there is no ldap servier or sso. but all most have email service, self hosted or saas like google mail.
if there is a authorization type called smtp authorization like oauth2(google,gitlab...), it will make company helpful more without make another authorization system, bothered with account management.3 votes -
Create a wizz button, like the old MSN chat
Like the old school MSN chat, it will be nice to add a wizz button or slash command or something else ... ?, meaning we need you to pay more attention to our post, that could be triggered a move on the windows for desktop app, and/or a new notification message.
28 votes
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