Prevent non-admin users to rename channels
I'm aware of your business model and I'm fine with an advanced permissions system in the paid edition. I'm also aware that you carefully thought through the channel management for basic users (see and think it's a good way of approaching things.
But please, consider removing the ability for every one to rename channels. This is not useful, doesn't really make sense and more importantly leaves the ability for anyone to ruin a setup (prank or sabotage). It also gives a feeling of totally uncontrolled environment for these users.
This small feature makes me question the entire usage of this awesome chat, which makes me really sad.
Thank you.

Anonymous commented
Gabriel Gonçalves Nunes Mazetto commented
The lack of any control makes Mattermost impossible to use for "Community" chats like Open Source projects or any other kind of "Language specific" "Framework specific" or "Location specific" meetups/communities. Those are not people that fit int he bussiness model as they rarely have any available $ to pay licenses, but have a lot of people with time to contribute to a project.