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26 results found
Mattermost - Read Only channel
For the moment, when this option "ExperimentalTownSquareIsReadOnly" is set to true, all the Town Square channels of all the teams become read-only.
It will great to set up this option not globally, but at the team level and not only on the "Town Square" channel but on any public channel.
6 votesThank you for nominating the feature! It is now available in Mattermost v5.22.0 in Enterprise Edition E20 (Beta).
Mark Channel as "Read Only" so it remains searchable but nothing new can be posted
I often find myself searching old mattermost channels for discussion items, but many of the channels are no longer in use due to a project ending or a team getting re-org'd.
It would be cool to have a Read Only or Inactive or Abandoned mode for those channels so I can still search for previous discussions, but they won't get written to anymore.
14 votesThank you for nominating the feature! It is now available in Mattermost v5.22.0 in Enterprise Edition E20 (Beta).
Add ability to move mistaken thread replies in a channel to the intended thread
If a user misses replying to a thread in a channel and instead replies directly to the channel, this message is not part of the thread that it was intended to be and the conversation is not clear.
There should be a way for a user or channel admin to move a message to the intended thread inside the channel and keep it inline with the on-going threaded conversation (since everything is timestamped this seems possible).
This would clean up the conversations and mistakes that users will make.
150 votesWork on this feature has begun! Big thanks to @kkekkonen for starting the effort.
If anyone would be interested testing it, you can help out here:
PS: Previous update incorrectly mentioned that this an Enterprise Edition feature.
JIRA improvements
Add to jira plugin features to notify about new comments, description changes, attachments changes in a ticket.
132 votesThe status of this feature can be followed via this Jira ticket:
Possibility to load more messages after the search result
- Seacrh a message
- Jump to the result
- You have possibility to load more messages before the result but not after it
39 votesThanks for the feature idea! This is now in progress and scheduled for an upcoming release:
Do not disturb hours
Mattermost has a manual Do Not Disturb feature, which is nice. However, it would be extra nice to have "Do Not Disturb hours" for each account, so individuals can set certain hours when Do Not Disturb is automatically enabled for their account. It would be extra nice if these were automatically set on account creation to common bedtime hours in the local time zone; for instance 10pm to 7am. This is a nice work/life balance feature that encourages people to get enough sleep by default. :-)
208 votesThis feature is started. You can follow progress at:
EE: Data retention policy for individual teams and channels
In addition to specifying custom data retention policy globally across all teams and channels (see, allow
1) team and system admins set custom policies for individual teams
2) channel, team and system admins set custom policies for individual channels110 votesWork has begun to support custom data retention policy for individual teams and channels. It is planned for Mattermost Cloud and Mattermost Self-Managed E20.
Blacklist certain file types from being uploaded to Mattermost
Sample use case: Block .exe files from being uploaded to prevent malicious executables from being downloaded.
In addition to .exe, also interested in blocking PDF files and compressed files.
48 votesThere is now a “file blocker” plugin available for Mattermost. We’d love to hear your feedback and whether it meets your use case!
MSI installer for windows client
We need a MSI file for automated (silent) installation. That way you can deploy the application with the group policy of windows.
102 votesWork for an MSI has begun! If anyone is interested contributing or testing the installer, let us know here:
allow admins to set the default channels when a member joins
It was nice in Slack to say for the batch of invitees that have been recently invited that they be thrown into channels x, y, z instead of having to manually Add Member to varying channels or ask them to seek out channels and add themselves.
134 votesHey all! The work has now started and we’ve released an experimental setting for default channels.
System Admins can configure default channels via config.json, here is more information about it
Big thanks to @dschalla for contributing this improvement!
Add a Tablet / iPad version of Second Generation Mobile Apps
The second generation mobile apps currently are not designed to support tablets.
If you would like to see tablet / iPad support, please help upvote this feature idea so we can track the demand for it.
158 votesBeta support for tablet/iPad was added in v1.3
Order DM and Members list by online indicator
- Member list (popup box) in the header
- Direct Messages list
- If you can change order by in this lists to order first by online status, then second by name, then it could be more useful.
5 votesThe member list in the channel header now orders members by their online status and then by their name.
Enable omission of message snippets in email notifications
For organizations with advanced compliance requirements, this feature should enable a System Administrator to omit the inclusion of message contents in email notifications.
76 votesThis setting is available in E20:
Preprovision native client apps
As i'm rolling out the native Windows client to a lot of users (via windows software distribution) i'd like to be able to pre-provision the app with our mattermost servers url (and maybe other settings). It would be great if the client would support some way of getting it's initial configuration for example via a config file distributed with it.
I've posted it to the windows category but i guess this would be nice (and just as easy to implement) on every platform. Mobile apps might be more difficult though.23 votesThis feature is in progress and planned to ship with Desktop App v4.0
Integration with Bitbucket
Please create an integration with bitbucket
66 votesWe have a new integration supporting BitBucket. Would anyone like to give it a try and share feedback on how it works for your team?
Add custom user groups for mentions
Add cusom user groups for mentions. Something like @developers or @frontend to mention all members of group in this channel. Also it would be useful for large teams, when novices does not know who is who - with this feature they can determinate at least group
522 votesHere’s a plugin that can be used:
Server facilitated encryption of database contents
This feature proposal is for the ability to encrypt posts/direct messages in the database, with a server-side encryption of the database contents.
522 votesHey all, we’ve outlined available encryption options here:
Would love to hear feedback from everyone who contributed to this feature proposal!
Add a way to spoiler some messages or part of messages
I think it would be a great idea to add spoiler tags like message or message but for spoilers (i.e ^This is a spoil^)
There are several ways to implement this:
-By having an expand/close button for showing/hiding the message
-By having to select the text to see it
-By having to hover on the text with the cursor to see it (might be problematic for touch-based devices)I suggest discussing on what is the best for mattermost.
148 votesFor now, a plugin can be used:
Add an Apple Watch app
An Apple Watch app would be nice.
18 votesThere is a PR ready for testing here:
Implement changing channel ownership
There is currently no method for changing the owner of a channel.
- A channel owner should be able to assign ownership of their channel to another user
- Team admins and System Admins should be able to assign ownership of any channel to another user
44 votesEnterprise Edition includes Channel Admins:
- Don't see your idea?