Do not disturb hours
Mattermost has a manual Do Not Disturb feature, which is nice. However, it would be extra nice to have "Do Not Disturb hours" for each account, so individuals can set certain hours when Do Not Disturb is automatically enabled for their account. It would be extra nice if these were automatically set on account creation to common bedtime hours in the local time zone; for instance 10pm to 7am. This is a nice work/life balance feature that encourages people to get enough sleep by default. :-)

This feature is started. You can follow progress at:
Anthony commented
DND for a channel is a must as well! We’ve got people at home getting pinged off business hours. I wouldn’t want an account on DND but I need my channels to be able to turn on DND and control their business hours.
Corwin Grey commented
I'd like to suggest this be a feature that can be applied or enforced via roles and/or permissions and also applicable to DMs. We have a lot of employees who are members of collective bargaining agreements which contractually impact what is considered overtime response.
We've had to address this regarding answering/reading email outside normally scheduled hours, and we've also had this issue with Slack (which we're looking at migrating away from). We're using the DND schedule in Slack but don't have any ability to enforce/apply DND hours administratively.
Tuuba commented
Especially in the COVID-and-post COVID world where everyone is connected 24/7 this feature is extremely important as people are already bombarded by notifications from various applications.
DnD hours should be a basic feature to have, surely.
Matthew Pounsett commented
This really, really, really should be a thing already. My org has people in five different timezones (ranging from +02 to -07), and under normal circumstances we all travel all over the world. Our more public teams have people from nearly every time zone. It would be a huge help if people could have time-based do-not-disturb settings.
MWMike commented
Rage-typing this comment after bring woken up by MM messages! Seems like this should be a no-brainer. I see it's been requested for a couple of years with no update. Why the holdup?
Peter Johanson commented
This really needs to be a feature. Needed for remote folks in far different TZs!
AW commented
Slack does this really well. In preferences it has this setting (which I believe was on by default for me):
"Do Not Disturb
When Do Not Disturb is turned on, Slack won't sent you any notifications. Your fellow Slack users can override this if necessary.
[tick] Automatically disable notifications from:
[10:00 PM] to [8:00 AM] British Summer Time [change]"Then on the sending side, when you send them a direct message it tells you that they will not receive a notification unless you click a button/link:
Only visible to you
Slackbot: [user] has paused their notifications for a bit, but they'll see your message when they're back.
If you need to get their attention right away, you can choose to _notify them anyway._" -
Anonymous commented
I work with people on another continent and I find that getting notifications when I should be preparing my mind for sleep totally anxiety triggering. If this feature exists I hope I find it tomorrow. If it doesn't then I hope it will be implemented some day.
Anonymous commented
When setting DnD I often forget to turn it back off. As I usually have a good idea how long I need to just get something done it would be great to have a quick menu when setting DnD to "Enable 1 hour" or "Enable 30 minutes". At the end of the set time it would automatically move my status to normal.
It would also be great if as a follow-up feature users could hover over my DnD status and see if I had set a timer and how long was left.
Anonymous commented
A team-wise option would also be nice.
Some teams I only want to receive messages while on office, others I also want to use in my spare time -
Anonymous commented
This would be a nice feature to have as it allows people to avoid getting notifications during sleeping hours for example.
It would also be nice to have it more granular than Slack - For example: so you could setup a Weekday and Weekend schedule separately.
Elio commented
Also controlling DND channel-wise would be nice.