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178 results found
Add a Windows universal app so that Windows 10 Mobile rollouts can use Mattermost
Let's go Windows Universal with this, and bring Mattermost to a whole new market of Windows 10 Mobile users who're waiting for first party apps for apps just like this. Then Mattermost truly becomes a Slack competitor.
193 votes -
Ability to disable rendering of animated emoji, or to hide posts, to improve performance
The problem I am having is that in some channels when users are using tons of animated emojis, I am seeing my CPU sit at >=30%. If I then switch to a more static channel, the CPU usage drops off the top of the list.
The feature I would love is to either:
* Have the ability to disable the rendering of animated emojis (or gifs?)
* Or to have the ability to hide postsCurrently I have to make sure never to leave a heavy animated channel as my active channel.
101 votes -
Allow selecting and deleting multiple messages at once
Allow Channel Admins to be able to enter "select" or "edit" mode where checkboxes appear next to the messages.
Admins would be able to select messages one by one or to select a range of messages by clicking the first one, holding Shift button and selecting the last one (like we've used from other software).After selecting multiple messages, Admins would be able to delete them at once, or perform any other action that might be implemented during the development (move, archive, flag, something else).
This feature would make it a lot easier to delete whole bunches of off-topic messages…
95 votes -
Provide for multiple fonts
Recently the ability to choose fonts was removed. See Now there is only one font, and it renders poorly for me (insufficient weight/contrast) on smaller high DPI displays. This makes the GUI very hard to use. Please provide a way to select among a set of fonts, or ideally specify my own.
Frankly the justification for removing the feature was weak. Let the user decide if the load time or other trade offs are worth the better rendering.
83 votes -
zoom inside picture
I think it could be a really good idea to have the possibility to zoom inside shared picture. Sometimes it's too small, we need to download it and then zoom inside it.thanks
75 votes -
CMD/CTRL+number should switch teams
Hitting CMD+1 should select the first team, CMD+2 should select the next etc. (I guess this translates to ctrl on Linux / Windows).
Right now its a lot of mouse movement to switch between teams.
72 votes -
Enable more/custom spelling languages
Add more 'Spelling Languages' options or provide a method for people to add their own dictionaries.
72 votes -
add copy to clipboard code block
Have a button in the code block to copy it on clipboard
65 votes -
Allow Emoji in Channel Name
Allow emojis to be used in a channel name.
59 votes -
Option to disable spell checking
Currently, spell checking is always enabled and cannot be disabled.
To some users, the red underlining is visually distracting. Also, the spell checker is currently unable to detect on-the-fly, in-sentence language switching, which is sometimes used in mixed-language teams or when discussing mixed-language subjects (like programming).
Therefore, I'd like to suggest adding an option to permanently disable spell checking - either in the configuration, or, in the input bar's context menu, where the spell check language is usually selected.
In the input bar it could look like this:
58 votes -
Make emoji replacement a separate option from the rest of post formatting
I consider it unacceptable that I can't choose to disable having my words replaced with emoji, without also having to give up on EVERY SINGLE post formatting feature. I want to be able to use post formatting, just NOT have any emoji appear without me explicitly choosing to insert them.
57 votes -
Add a popup notification when someone calls you (using the new calls beta)
Currently, in the new calls (beta) in v7.0, when someone calls you, you get the same notification as you would get with a normal chat message. This does not really grab the attention of the receiver, who might think it's just a chat message notification or just miss it entirely due to the brevity of the notification, leaving the caller waiting indefinitely in an empty call.
Could the mattermost devs add an option to enable e.g. a popup window or a continuously ringing sound when someone calls you? This would greatly improve the usability of the call functionality. Currently, I…
55 votes -
Automatic update for desktop client
The Mattermost desktop client should automatically check for updates and prompt the user to update. This feature is mandatory in today's security landscape, even for an Electron app.
Most of our users don't realize their desktop is many version out of date, with pending security fixes.
Bonus points for shipping builds via the Windows Store, macOS App Store, snapcraft, etc.
53 votes -
Support preview of HEIF / HEIC images
Modern smartphones, iOS and Android based, save photos in HEIC instead of JPEG.
As of now, there's no preview support for HEIC encoded images. When people post photos taken on their smartphones, users currently have to download the photo to see it.
Therefore I suggest adding support of HEIC to the image previews feature.
51 votesLabel updated.
Include Racially Diverse Emojis
Currently, all of the default emojis (people, hands, etc) on the desktop app have a light yellow skin tone. Since you are already using apple emojis, it would be awesome to integrate the ability to change the skin and hair tone of these emojis.
40 votes -
add or remove people from a group message
Sometimes, you start a Group Message and realize later that you need to add a new person to the conversation, or remove someone from the conversation.
Currently, there is no way to add/remove someone from a conversation. A new Group conversation has to be started, but all of the previous discussion details are lost, or have to be copied and pasted, one at a time, into a new Group conversation.
Please add the ability to add/remove people to/from an existing Group Message.
38 votes -
Feature to enable Auto theme switch based on MacOS theme
Introduce an "Auto mirror OS theme" toggle button in Mattermost Desktop for MacOS (and possibly Windows) client so it can mirror the MacOS theme setting (Settings > General > Appearance) Light and Dark automatically.
Many users would want to use dark themes for their apps to work at night, but Mattermost default theme is pretty bright in the dark.
Right now it should be a manual theme change to switch to the Mattermost dark theme. This would be a great step towards better user experience.
37 votes -
Include of preview of message in each notification
Please add setting of notifications 'Include of preview of message in each notification'. This option is needed for personal data protection when you screen sharing with any application like skype.
On one of your site webpages it says that "Mattermost offers alternative ... to Slack’s SaaS-only workplace messaging service". In Slack's this option exists in Notifications settings.34 votes -
Add a file download progress bar
You constantly need to check Explorer to see if file has finished downloaded or not, very bothersome. A progress bar / download indicator will be very helpful.
33 votesThanks for the comments! Indeed, this feature proposal was for downloads, not uploads. Reopened with proper status.
Create Tear Away Chat Windows
The desktop app is WAY too clunky to permit multiple simultaneous conversations.
Mattermost needs "tear away" chat windows like Google Hangouts so that you can have side by side chats going.
30 votes
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