Ability to disable rendering of animated emoji, or to hide posts, to improve performance
The problem I am having is that in some channels when users are using tons of animated emojis, I am seeing my CPU sit at >=30%. If I then switch to a more static channel, the CPU usage drops off the top of the list.
The feature I would love is to either:
* Have the ability to disable the rendering of animated emojis (or gifs?)
* Or to have the ability to hide posts
Currently I have to make sure never to leave a heavy animated channel as my active channel.
Konstantin Cherednichenko commented
I hate animated emojis and custom statuses. Why I can't disable the feature for my session? Currently I need to use custom proxy to filter all queries from Mattermost Desktop.
Derek commented
I'm on board with gubbins suggestion of having it loop once or twice, then maybe getting a "GIF" circle, or play button, over it if you want to watch it again.
gubbins commented
Please please please, it's killing me :)
gubbins commented
Perhaps we could also have an option to specify how many times the gif should loop after becoming visible.