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273 results found
Support gitlab avatar
When a user signup using gitlab sso, it would be nice if mattermost imports the avatar image as the user's profile picture.
19 votes -
Make search results accessible via a URL
It would be handy if search results were dereferencable via a URL.
Not all communications in our org are done via MatterMost (email is still popular) and I would like the ability to link to search results via a URL such as
This would enable me to refer to (ever-changing) search results from places external to MatterMost.
19 votes -
Show all threads in one place
Option to show all threads in which a user participates in one place. Ask from Startup School.
Note: By default mention notifications for threads aren't turned on, maybe we should default them to on to see to what extent this helps.
19 votes -
Visual effect to separate private chats from channels
I'd like to somehow tune the color scheme of the Mattermost to separate private chats from channels. First idea that I got my mind is that maybe there could be an option to set a different background color for private conversations?
19 votes -
Auto/Periodic Refresh of Channel Header
Some users find themselves navigating through multiple channels quite frequently; while others find themselves "squatting". My team happens to be full of the those that squat largely because we use one channel per project, and one build per project. We'd like to include the build shield/badge images into the header (which is currently possible); however, since the channel header is never refreshed, individuals must rely solely on messages within the channel to bring the current build status to their attention.
Either adding an auto-refresh to all channel headers, or allowing administrators to selectively enable a channel header for periodic update/refresh…
18 votes -
Assign User to incoming Webhooks
we run Mattermost and have some webhooks set up for Taiga ( ). We created a User "Taiga-Bot" for our webhooks.Right now the webhook is always assigned to the user that created given webhook.
I'd like to have an option to assign already created/new webhooks to any user as long that I'm logged in with a sysAdmin account.
18 votes -
Better /me command style
/me command has very poor style distinction. It only uses italics but it is enclosed in a dialog balloon as any other message.
It is more distinguishable, for example, when the system balloon tells join/leave actions in 3rd person. I think something like that would be more accurate for the /me command.
18 votes -
increase the 22 character limit on channel names.
Slack recently increased their character limitation on channel names. We would like Mattermost to increase the limit as well, as this has been a helpful feature since it was rolled out.
18 votes -
enable other databases, e.g. Oracle.
Having support for other databases, e.g. Oracle, is crucial as this is common infrastructure in enterprise IT landscapes.
17 votes -
System Admin should be able to force displaying of users real name (prename and surname! not nickname or username!)
In some environments it would be very usefull for the participants to be able to clearly identify a user. This is not necessarily the case, if nicknames (or even usernames) can be choosed by the users themself to be displayed in Mattermost channels.
Therefore an administrator should be able to force the displayed name to display the prename and surname within the chat history window to minimize an users anonymity. This may be also related to a forced disclosure of prename and surname during the registration process.17 votes -
Secure direct messages using TextSecure/Axolotl algorithms
Secure direct messages (and may be messages in private groups) using TextSecure/Axolotl algorithms. Unlike OTR protocol this will enable sending secure offline messages. I think TextSecure library could be used
17 votes -
Message automatic deletion a la snapchat
I'm trying Mattermost on a large organization as a professional communication tool surrounding but not overlapping formal previous communication tools that will remain (email, business specific tools, etc). To achive that, Mattermost messages are meant to be sended/received, read, and then expire and dissapear. We don't need a new static, searchable communication tool (yet on steroids), but a volatile one in order to support teams internal dynamics, but not to remain logged.
I've thougth of a sort of bot checking times been read or time from post on every message and deleting on checking pre-defined conditions, but this would be…17 votes -
Rename Group-Members locally
It should be possible for everybody to change the names of the Team-Members locally.
17 votes -
Add a one-click action to create a new snippet
Like Slack, being able to create a snippet by clicking a button and choose from a droplist the language would be far less painful than typing ``` (especially for non-qwerty keyboards).
It would be more intuitive especially for coders who discover the platform. Thanks!
16 votes -
Allow webhooks to trigger other webhooks posts
Outgoing webhooks are not triggered by other webhooks posts. For example if bota posts "hello" on Town Square and botb is typically triggered by "hello", it will not be triggered.
If this was implemented, the danger is creating cycles unintentionally, so there should be a way to avoid that.
16 votes -
Modify Team Global Settings
be able to modify team global settings like send email notification, send mobile notification and future ones in the admin console.
16 votes -
Generic OAuth Provider
Ability to use a generic 3rd party OAuth server for programmatic logins to mattermost server (team edition)
Please see for detailed description: votes -
Enable integration on all teams
We host multiple teams that need the same slash command. It would be pretty useful to be able to setup the integration once for all the teams.
15 votes -
Allow message attachments to generate mentions
Notifications are not being generated for user names in message attachments (in my case specifically in fields) that are generated via a webhook.
Create a new message containing attachments/fields via a web hook. Include the name of the user in the attachment field. The name will not be recognized and tagged.
Mattermost would recognize a user's name, as defined in their notification preferences, when mentioned in a message that has an attachment/fields. Notifications would be generated for the user the same as if they are mentioned in a regular message.
15 votes -
Prevent non-admin users to rename channels
I'm aware of your business model and I'm fine with an advanced permissions system in the paid edition. I'm also aware that you carefully thought through the channel management for basic users (see and think it's a good way of approaching things.
But please, consider removing the ability for every one to rename channels. This is not useful, doesn't really make sense and more importantly leaves the ability for anyone to ruin a setup (prank or sabotage). It also gives a feeling of totally uncontrolled environment for these users.
This small feature makes me question the entire usage…
14 votes
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