System Admin should be able to force displaying of users real name (prename and surname! not nickname or username!)
In some environments it would be very usefull for the participants to be able to clearly identify a user. This is not necessarily the case, if nicknames (or even usernames) can be choosed by the users themself to be displayed in Mattermost channels.
Therefore an administrator should be able to force the displayed name to display the prename and surname within the chat history window to minimize an users anonymity. This may be also related to a forced disclosure of prename and surname during the registration process.

Sumit Kumar commented
this is desperately needed
Markus Thiel commented
We are a company of 200-300 and using HipChat...
Thanks Martin,
Could you share more about the use case?
Trying to understand the priority of this feature versus other options, e.g.:
1. Having a team leader just say "@channel everyone please enter your First and Last names so it's easier to identify everyone."
2. Turning System Console > Privacy Setting > Show Email Address to "true"