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  1. Video File Thumbnails

    Just like we have tumbnails on pictures. helping us identify what we are looking for without having to open the preview tool.
    It would be great if we could have thumbnails on videos too.

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  2. Prevent non-admin users from posting and editing to channel

    The use case is to provide information to users, for example, release notes, status updates, etc. In order to keep the channel relevant and to avoid clutter, non-admin users have read-only access.

    This feature allows a team to create "reference" channels.

    1. team admins: create, read, update, delete
    2. non-admin users: read-only

    This idea is similar to, and currently under review for Enterprise Edition:

    This idea is related to:

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  3. Let admins allow anonymous posts / anonymous channels

    A setting that allows users to make anonymous posts. Or that forces all posts in a given channel to be anonymous.

    On a trusted server, this gives users a safe place to make anonymous statements.

    Similar to the "Anonymous posting" feature of Discourse:

    Enable anonymous posting mode and your users can easily switch to anonymous mode to post about controversial, dangerous, or political issues without fear.

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  4. channel profile images

    Support avatar icons for channels.

    it would be great if the service and apps provided a similar API and UX to allow profile images to be assigned and queried for a channel.
    This might work similarly to what is in place for users, where the Mattermost API supports getting a profile image for a user, except this request would provide profile image by channel.

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  5. Add a command /play to play sound, movies quotes, etc.

    We use Mattermost in a small team and when it comes the time to chill out, we sometimes abuse of the #random channel
    We loved the emoticon customization and we would love to see the possibility to send a sound to react to a message with the right movie quote for example.

    That could be a plugin with a command like /play, I just doubt that the plugin would have the right to play a sound in browser.

    The sound (and the command) could be created by users just like emoticons. The user should have to upload a sound file…

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  6. Implement changing channel ownership

    There is currently no method for changing the owner of a channel.

    • A channel owner should be able to assign ownership of their channel to another user
    • Team admins and System Admins should be able to assign ownership of any channel to another user
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  7. Allow administrators to set default notification settings

    The default notification setting causes a lot of spam. It's hard for new users to find this and adjust it to mention-only, so they end up simply leaving teams. It would be helpful if administrators could choose which default new accounts start with. In my deployment, we would prefer new accounts start with notifications set to mention-only, of course allowing the users to change it.

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  8. Allow to disable thread autofollow when whole channel was mentioned.

    Add parameter that allows Mattermost admin, to disable thread autofollow while having collapsed reply thread turned on while mass mentions are used (@channel, @all, @here).
    I want my users to get notification, but not to follow this thread automatically, afaik, this is not possible at this moment, because thread autofollow must be set to true in config.json, for collapsed reply thread to work.

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  9. Disable highlighting of own messages

    When chatting, the own messages are currently highlighted (grey background) which is a little bit confusing in my opinion. It would be create to either disable that, turn it the other way around or make it configurable

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  10. Directory of public channels/channels I can have access to

    A user should be able to easily see & search the list of all channels they have joined and can join. I'm seeing a number of duplicate channels created across teams because the user did not know it existed in another location.

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  11. Delete messages from a channel to clean it


    in the case a channel is used to receive notifications in a defined interval, messages are bound to multiply and to be too numerous.

    So i think it should be interesting to delete the messages from a channel by the creator of this channel or by a webhook.

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  12. Change Upload limit files more than > 5

    Can you make new field in config file to change upload limit file? Now in message is 5 files max. I want to change to eg. 30?
    "Uploads limited to 5 files maximum. Please use additional posts for more files"

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  13. Possibility to load more messages after the search result

    • Seacrh a message
    • Jump to the result
    • You have possibility to load more messages before the result but not after it
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  14. Ability to change the order of channel groupings

    There are several options now provided for changing the grouping and ordering of channels, but one is conspicuously missing IMO: the ability to change the ordering of the groupings.

    In my use of MM, I have a small handful of favorite channels, and then a bunch of other channels, and then a small handful of direct messages. Most of my communication is in the favorite channels and the direct messages, but the former is at the very top and the latter is at the very bottom. It is annoying to have to scroll through the wasteland of all of my…

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  15. Add quote reply in addition to collapsed threads

    Currently, in order to reply to someone a few messages back, you hit the reply button and it goes into a thread. Alternatively, Mattermost could add a quote button on messages next to the reply button. When you click quote button it should work like reply in modern messengers with text of the message or part of it and name of the creator of the message.
    Threads are useful, but creating them for replying to paticular messages can be a bit of an overkill.

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  16. Quote Reply In Threads

    In a thread, because we cant create subthreads, the comment menu should have a new item called "quote reply".

    "Quote Reply" should allow the user to add a new comment with reference from the comment he is replying.

    A : I like cars.
    A : Wanna go for pizza? <-- "Quote Reply"
    B : I like Ferrari.
    B : "Wanna go for pizza?"
    Yes. Pizza is a great idea.

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  17. Daily / weekly email digests

    I know it sounds like the “email batching” feature added in Mattermost 3.4

    … but for non-professionnal environnement, a daily, weekly, or even 15 days or monthly “digests” of notifications and/or channels activities would be very useful. Even with one hour batches, members deactivates their notifications when they can't work everyday for the team.

    “Slow projects” don't need immediate responses, and a moderate usage of notifications would be appreciated.

    In some circonstances, a good (slow) timing of reminder could even drive members' involvement (e.g. for those who takes a few hours per week for a project).

    This could be…

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  18. Switch usage for "Write a message..." vs "Add a comment..."

    In our use case, most posts are intended as replies to a previous post. So it would make sense that the default main view holds single topic/discussion, and the text box at the bottom is for posting replies to that thread, and a List of available topics are shown on the side, where you also can post new topics.

    This is effectively the opposite of how the UI is laid out now. The background for this request is that most users (myself included) miss to post a reply as a comment, and mess up the conversation history (even a lot…

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  19. Allow users to give nicknames to other users. Similar to how Skype, Steam, etc allows you to rename a contact.

    Allow users to provide local nicknames for other users as a username is sometimes ambiguous as to who the user actually is.

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  20. Ability to customize the site favicon

    When a user interacts with several Mattermost instances having always the same favicon can get highly confusing.

    With versions pre-3.0 it was fairly easy to directly change the favicon files on the installation. It looks way more complex since the 3.0 came out as the file names are no longer predictable

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