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  1. Click the file to open

    1. App sets an automatic download directory, such as $HOME\Documents\Mattermost Files\
    2. Add an "open" button beside the download button on the right side of the file in the chat.
    3. When you click the "Open" button, if the file has not been downloaded, it will be automatically downloaded to the download folder in the first step. At the same time, the download progress bar will be displayed below the file in the chat. After the download is complete, or the file has been downloaded, call the system program to open the file.
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  2. Don't cover message text with the hover toolbar buttons

    When I point at a message, a group of about 4 icons appears at the top right of the message. My annoyance is that this icon group covers part of the text of the message I'm trying to read. Please reposition this button group so that it does not obscure the text.

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  3. Indicate which members muted the current channel

    we are in a corporation with lots of mattermost teams and lots of channels.

    I am member of a lot channels and some of them I just joined so people can ping me regarding the channel topic. I am not interessted in the chats within this channel until I am getting actively pinged.

    It would be great if other channel members could see which members of the current channel actually muted the channel (and therefore need to be pinged to get involved)

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  4. Ability to add new members specifically to 1 or more channels

    If company ACME has 20 members with 30 channels (mix of private and public), is it possible for them to invite some members from company CERTBOT to a single private channel (i.e. CERTBOT members do not add the General chat or have access to any other channels other than the channel they have specifically been added to)

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  5. Increase/remove image dimension limits

    Increase or remove the image dimension limits or provide a way for us to set them ourselves.

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  6. mmctl user create Random Password Flag

    As of now, the mmctl user create feature - - allows the user executing the command to manually set the password string.

    It will be good to have the ability to generate a random alphanumeric password using some sort of flag. Eg. --passwordrandom

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  7. Allow resizing the channel sidebar and right-hand sidebar

    This is in official support of this ticket:

    This would greatly improve the present binary "expanded" view option for threads and more!

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  8. Member search sorting

    Hi Team,

    When sending a direct message, we can see a 'member search' selection, which currently seems like sorting in alphabetical order by username.

    Could you provide an option to change the sorting criteria.


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  9. Option to allow hiding the server tabs bar

    I would love to be able to hide the top server tabs bar on my single-server setup. Lots of wasted space when I don't have any other servers. I like to have the window fairly small, sort of old-school instant-messaging style, and when I do, 5% of the height of the window is taken up by the tabs bar (yes, I'm that kind of person where I measured the height of my window in pixels and the height of the tabs bar using GIMP).

    Even if I were connected to other servers, I could switch servers using a keyboard shortcut…

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  10. Support preview of HEIF / HEIC images

    Modern smartphones, iOS and Android based, save photos in HEIC instead of JPEG.

    As of now, there's no preview support for HEIC encoded images. When people post photos taken on their smartphones, users currently have to download the photo to see it.

    Therefore I suggest adding support of HEIC to the image previews feature.

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  11. shortcut for creating preformatted text

    i need a shortcut for create preformatted text.
    like CTRL/CMD + B to bold, and CTRL/CMD + I to italicize.

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  12. make /commands referencable in post-text.

    There are interactive message buttons, but they dont flow neatly in the text. It should be possible to write a longer post, and reference commands and parameters in the text.
    Once the post is posted, they become clickable by everyone which would in some way ask for confirmation or just pre-fill the text-input-area and allow the users to execute said command.

    That way one could not even better educate users of (custom) commands, but could also help them prefill the arguments of commands.

    Example: I could write:

    hello there, it seems, like you want to use /command asdf for asdf…

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  13. Admins should be able to see statistics of different channels too.

    Right now mattermost provides statistics at App level and at Team level. It would be really helpful if admins can see stats of different public/private channels too.

    That means if I have 15 different channels, I can stats of all of them and pick which one is being used the most and which is least.

    What do you think guys?

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  14. memorize login

    I installed last v4.3.2 mattermost-desktop on my Ubuntu 18 laptop. I didn't find any solution to memorize my logins, so each morning, I have to enter it.

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  15. Looker bot

    Be able to automatically send looker data to channels via a bot

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  16. JIRA Integration Channel Notification/Subscribe

    Support all issue status update event transitions, not just only status changes when the ticket is reopened, or when resolved/closed, and assignee changes.

    We use the issue status transition to trigger the QA Team to start work. Would be nice to have these notifications via the Mattermost Integration

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  17. Allow a user list in the right-hand side bar

    The right hand sidebar for the Mattermost client seems to only support searching. Many chat-apps like Slack, Discord, and others include a list of users in the current channel in a sidebar that can be displayed at all times. I think this would be a great feature!

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  18. Add posibility to share a file to many users or groups

    In this moment, if I want to share the same file to many users or groups, I need to repeat share operation for every user or group. It would be great if you can add a intermediary screen for destination selection (like whatsapp), with multiple option for selection

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  19. Enable to detect since when a user is offline (manual & disconected)

    Currently, using the UX, we cannot determine the last time a user when offline. this feature is useful and could be compared with, as you can see in the image

    Steps to reproduce:
    mattermost Server 5.16+
    Open a conversation 1-1 with any user, and if it is offline, we cannot determine since when that user is offline

    Expected behaviour:

    Open a conversation 1-1 with any user and if is offline. Display as part of user status since when the user is offline.

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  20. Enable Notifications when Mattermost is not Visible to the User

    If a chat is selected when the desktop app is not visible or minimized, the user will not receive notifications for any new messages sent within the chat.

    For example, If I am talking to Bob, then I shrink the desktop app with his name still selected in the left hand pane, or I open a new window and cannot see the Mattermost app, it wont notify me of a new message from Bob unless I make sure to click on a different chat window with someone else prior to moving my attention away from Mattermost.

    I understand we wouldnt…

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