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147 results found

  1. Integration with smallchat

    Smallchat is a live chat for visitors of our websites. It already works with slack, so it would be great if it would work with mattermost too

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  2. Trigger outgoing webhook by join/leave event

    This would allow integrations to welcome newly joining users.

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  3. Add typescript type definitions to the mattermost-redux api-lib

    Please could you add types so that developping of plugins/integrations/hooks and such may benefit from the power of type verification and auto completion.
    It would, specially on API dev, be a strong plus ;)

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  4. Allow Incoming Webhooks to use response_type


    Please allow incoming webhooks to use response_type. I'm looking at making a bot that would allow others to roleplay. This bot functions by watching the channel, and when it sees a message with a trigger that has been set up with it, uses a incoming webhook to post a message with a custom picture and username before deleting the triggering message.
    This gives the effect of someone being able to play different characters, especially when paired with:

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  5. show the device type the user is connected with (desktop vs mobile) with an icon near his avatar

    it is often useful to know when your contacts are chatting from a PC or from their smartphones.

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  6. create an integration with LucidChart (

    Create an integration with LucidChart (web-based Visio-like application)

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  7. Set channel ID for incoming webhook

    Incoming webhooks already allow posting to a specific channel using the channel name. I want the option to use channel ID instead.

    Channel names are mutable, which means an integration cannot save the names and reliably interact with the same channels in future. Instead it has to save the channel ID and query for the name before every request.

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  8. Design a plug-in that can be configured to send specific hashtag comments to certain channels.

    Comments with specific hashtags will be sent to specified channels.
    Example: #Outage could be sent to a general user notification channel as well as an administrators channel.
    Example: A reference to a specific program release in a developer chat could be sent to to a project-specific QA chat.

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  9. Add OpenID Connect for integretions in addition to OAuth 2.0

    It would be great to use mattermost as identity provider for applications that support OpenID Connect

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  10. Add anchor to enable introduction text to trigger a command

    This would allow for instance to execute a command for the user from a link in the introduction to display a code of conduct, help or whatever usefull content.

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  11. Working Hours Time Counter

    I am always online when I am working .. I would like to track my online activity such that I dont need to extra track my working time. I work remote

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  12. Being able to kick multiple and all users at once from a channel

    Expanding the
    /kick @USERNAME
    /kick @all
    /kick @here
    /kick @channel
    /kick @username @username

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  13. Archiving direct messages

    It would be great to have the possibility to archive direct messages, the same way it is possible to archive chans. Or is it already possible?

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  14. Interactive buttons supporting emoji

    If the text outside the interactive button is an emoji, eg. ":smile:", it gets rendered as the smile emoji. However, if this text is inside an interactive button, the test ":smile:" gets rendered.

    Similarly when dealing with "£" signs, "£" renders correctly outside the button, but inside just the text is rendered.

    It would be good if emoji and other HTML shortcuts could be implemented within the buttons themselves.

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  15. An integration for Zabbix

    Zabbix is OSS like Mattermost easier to manage than Nagios.

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  16. Provide support for storage within Microsoft Azure

    Provide access to Microsoft Azure blob storage through shared access signatures / keys.

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  17. Bot ID on MM Web App

    Request Description:

    On Creation of a bot account via Mattermost Web UI, you won't be able to see the Bot ID. But when you create a BOT via Mattermost API, you will get an ID in response that's a BOTID. Hence, this request is for showing the BotID you get when creating a Bot Account via Mattermost UI.

    Why is this needed?
    Consider a bot wants to send a direct message to an user. For that a new channel has to be created via API. For that to happen, user_ids of the 2 users should be passed in while creating…

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  18. integrate with blackboard

    Develop integrations with educational platforms like Blackboard

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  19. Mark post as read via api

    Need a way to mark posts or channels as read. So when bots call the api to get unread messages they can mark as read without a reply.

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  20. Integration with GoogleChat/GoogleSuit

    Please create an integration with GoogleChat/GoogleSuit

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