Add quote reply in addition to collapsed threads
Currently, in order to reply to someone a few messages back, you hit the reply button and it goes into a thread. Alternatively, Mattermost could add a quote button on messages next to the reply button. When you click quote button it should work like reply in modern messengers with text of the message or part of it and name of the creator of the message.
Threads are useful, but creating them for replying to paticular messages can be a bit of an overkill.
Label and status updated.
Andrey commented
Yes quoute in channel instead of reply would be great! So we have an option to start thread or continue to discuss in main channel.
Thomas van der Woude commented
Maybe it would be better to replace ‘Reply’ with ‘Begin Thread’ and use ‘Reply’ for a quotation option, as modern messaging apps seem to do.
Amy Burke commented
your suggestion is great, i agree with you. i was also thinking the same.
Coin Flip commented
It sounds like you're suggesting a user-friendly feature for Mattermost that would improve message quoting functionality. Adding a "quote" button alongside the existing "reply" button would allow users to quickly reference parts of previous messages without needing to create a full thread. This would streamline the conversation and make it easier to reply directly to specific messages in a more intuitive manner.
The quote button could automatically insert the quoted message, along with the sender’s name, into the reply, similar to how modern messaging apps like WhatsApp or Slack handle quoting. This way, users can engage in focused conversations without cluttering the discussion with threads that might feel excessive for simple replies. The feature could be particularly useful in group chats or active channels where direct replies are often preferred.