Native Android App
The Mattermost iOS app is available in iTunes:
Its source code is available here:
Work on native Android app is in progress and can be monitored here:
Huge thank you to all the offers to contribute and test. Product team is working to get this out as smoothly as we can.

[Mattermost Android app now available for Mattermost 2.1 and higher](
Android app should be open sourced by the end of this week. It requires a change to the server API, so for it to work with a production site you will need to wait until Mattermost v2.1 is released on March 16th.
Cris Kolkman commented
So is there any eta for the android app?
Olivier Penhoat commented
+1 we (300k persons) cannot switch to mattermost until Android app is available
Anonymous commented
How can i join android client development community for matter most?
David Noriega Dewitt commented
We are also waiting for android app to switch to Mattermost.
Christian Fernandez commented
Why ios first when Android is the most used phone not just in the world but among open source people? Already had my cto convinced to migrate from slack, until I saw no Android... Very disappointed our 300 employees all use Android.... Grgrgr ridicules
Tyson commented
+1 this is awesome!! Keep it up!!
Kevin commented
Please don't forget Windows Phone!
Arthur, SSO is a feature planned for iOS, it didn't make it into the first release.
Gabriel, thanks!
Sorin, please see:
Android release is in beta among contributor community right now, and our aim is for Android to follow iOS in features.Desktop applications from community available via:
There's a discussion thread on native apps here:
Arthur Wiebe commented
The iOS app looks good, except that users that sign in using GitLab SSO are not able to use it. There is no way for SSO users to sign into their team.
Is this is a known issue?
Gabriel Le Breton commented
ios version looks good, keep up the good work :)
Sorin Ionuț Sbârnea commented
When to see OS X, Windows and Linux desktop clients?
Nicolas commented
My company is waiting for an ios/android native app to switch to mattermost.
so, +1 :) -
adam hyde commented
we love Mattermost but its been a struggle to convince others to use it because of the lack of phone apps. I think if these were in place you would see a worthwhile increase in adoption
Anonymous commented
+1 :)
Derek Zarbrook commented
+ 1 for Native iOS & Android client... a must for our team.
Anonymous commented
Native clients for iOS and Android is critical for our team
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
An Android and iOS app is one of the most important parts for us
Chris Bautista commented
We have two requirements to switch to Mattermost:
1. Incoming webhooks (which was just recently released)
2. Android / iOS app (we're 98% Android users)
Once an Android app is released, we can switch over to Mattermost. It's cool if we can compile our own Android version too. This can solve the notification problems.
Would be nice too if we can plug in our Parse account ( for the notifications.
Thanks guys.