Add a app for Desktops
Not everyone like web interfaces.
Add an app for the desktop (OS-X, Linux, Windows...)

[Desktop apps for Windows, Linux and Mac (beta) available with Mattermost 2.1](
Lyubomir Filipov commented
I also hate that the 'official' desktop 'app' is so slow and have started implementing a Qt-based mattermost client:
At the moment it supports basic features like sending and receiving messages and viewing images.
With the time it will get better. -
yoyo commented
+1 for the Telepathy Bridge. -
Marvin Richter commented
In matterfront the notifications and the Tray icons are working just fine, you just need to enable them:
James commented
Totally agree with Dev Null. Quality of notifications from the client is currently the top negative comment i hear in my company. Anything that can be done in this space would be a big plus
Dev Null commented
All of these Windows clients currently have the same problem regarding notifications. There is no persistent task bar flashing or any other persistent mechanism to notify the user if they were away from their computer when a message came in. The one-time 'ding' sound is not sufficient if you're away from your desk.
Sriram Ramkrishna commented
How do you interact with a mattermost server? I think having a native gui app would be great, and will provide a better integration with for instance GNOME online account services.
Anonymous commented
A possible way to have a Linux client would be to implement the protocol for Telepathy.
Any client based on telepathy (for example empathy) would be able to communicate in mattermost channels.
I do realize some features could be missing, but it is probably worth a try. -
Just an update, there's a new community project, Matterfront, that's a desktop app for Mattermost:
Seems promising!
Michael Adams commented One possible way to do this for folks.
Anonymous commented
Just use QT and and have the same code base for all platforms
Xandor Schiefer commented
There's an open-source project that runs Slack on a Linux desktop:
Anonymous commented
Electron would be great for this.
leipert commented
What do you think of writing a cross-plattform app in
It is the same open source stack which is used by Slack, Atom (Editor) and even Microsoft:
ksv rgh commented
Why would anyone want to waste RAM and CPU cycles on a browser just for a messaging app? And, native notifications! :D