Restrict team by email
It is currently possible to restrict account creation to specific email domains via “Settings > Users and Teams > Restrict account creation to specified email domains”; however, once a user has an account, they can be invited to any team, or join any open team.
We would like to be able restrict individual teams to an email domain too. Specifically, we have a group of external contractors who have access to their own team, but we don’t want them to accidentally end up in any of our other teams.
For example, team “Foo” would only allow members from, and team “Bar” would allow members from both and
It looks like this feature may already be partially implemented, as there is an “allowed_domains” parameter associated with teams in the REST API.
Mattermost 5.4 has added a new setting to restrict teams by email domain
Huge thanks for Gabe (@gvengel) for your contribution, and for everyone nominating this feature.
Anonymous commented
I believe that the following thread covers the exact same topic. There was a PR associated with it, although I haven't gone through the discussion why it was not accepted/merged.
Gabe Van Engel commented
Note, this is NOT the same thing as single channel guest accounts. (which would also be awesome)
Anonymous commented
This is essentially the private channels thing. Just use your votes there.
Anonymous commented
Yes, please! Great request!
Chris commented
This is a great idea!
Please do. -
Monkoto commented
Currently Mattermost allows you to restrict user creation / team creation by domain, but it does not provide separation of this. For example, I cannot permit users to create accounts and lock down team creation to only certain domains, it is all or nothing currently.