Admin level selection of default emoji size, or size adjustment on same line as text.

Néstor Enrique Heredia commented
I absolutely agree, I have an enormous monitor (32') now and even then I have to squint to make out some of the custom emojis. It literally makes no sense to have a nitro account for emojis you will not be able to recognize anyway.
Anonymous commented
Agreed, they really are too small currently! Making custom emojis is near-impossible unless they are extremely basic, which is a real shame... I'd prefer having them 2x as large, so a setting to change the size would be great.
Alan commented
I think it's a good idea just double clicking it could or that should double its size
Anonymous commented
Even using markdown doesn't really help. I have some pretty complex emotions that need to be expressed, frequently. I have two choices, tiny, unsatisfying emojis that do not adequately express them and result in questions about what they are, or long strings of expletives that could be taken out of context as offensive. Some of the emotions are so complex that English isn't even conducive to expressing them. German would be better, but who has time to type out all those ö s?
Anonymous commented
Would love to see this be configurable, at least at the admin level. Eventually a per user override would be nice too.
Daniel Dickerson commented
Emojis are nearly impossible to make out clearly. Using markdown to increase the size of an emoji on a single line is a pretty lame workaround since it keeps you from using it within your intended message.
It would be nice to allow a custom size with the disclaimer that it will change the line height on messages. That is far better than indiscernible emojis.
Anonymous commented
Emojis are very hard to see at the current size -- it would be great if there was an option to change their size
Adam commented
Yes please! Increased default size would be good, but even just an admin. setting would be fine. Thanks :)