Swipe from left to show menu (Android)
In all other Android apps, swiping from the left of the screen reveals the navigation drawer.
Only in Mattermost, you have to go press that small button at the top-left, which is a pain, especially on nowadays' big screens.
The feature is now supported by the Mattermost mobile apps for iOS and Android. Download them here: https://about.mattermost.com/download/#mattermostApps
Jimmy commented
This needs to come back in v2 app. Probably the single biggest navigation hurdle for single handed usage.
Martin Löper commented
This is a very good point! Supporting swipe gestures from left and right is a big big must for user experience on smartphones!
I recently discovered this fantastic 'Mattermost' project and decided to start contributing. Once I become an approved contributor I will get back to this and look if I can provide this functionality if it is still missing.
Makes sense, anyone from community interested in making a pull request to add this?