compact message theme
Slack allows to have two different message themes. The first is called clean and it is what mattermost has right now. It displays the icon and the username on one line and the text goes onto the next line:
[XX] username time
[XX] <text goes here>
Then there is the compact mode which basically removes the user icon and puts everything else onto one line:
time username: <text goes here>
Currently we have hacked some css to make that work, but I think that would be a useful addition in general.

Compact View now available in Mattermost 3.2 without profile pics
Anonymous commented
+1 One of the reasons that I'm not fully switching from IRC, icons take too much space.
Scott Cranfill commented
I would be happy to contribute the CSS to do this, but the Go required to implement the new setting is probably out of my league.
Ausk commented
Some of my team members still use IRC for this very reason. I personally would prefer a compacted view myself and was actively seeking css to do this very job.
fjarlq commented
This suggestion should probably be closed, since there is an identical suggestion that has received many more votes and comments:
If we opened a ticket accepting pull requests, would anyone be interested in contributing this?
It would be adding a setting and adding the new CSS
Maciej commented
I wish the spacing between messages was adjustable.
Maybe themes or profile options is a solution?