add Slack-like integrations
Are there future plans to add integrations with dropbox, github, google drive, twitter, etc. ... like Slack has ?

einzelkind commented
The ability to integrate a specific GoogleDrive or Dropbox folder would be great - to use it as a team share.
Pirmin Kalberer commented
These and many more integrations can already be done using webhooks and tools like
menelic commented
For those who want integration with on premise, open source sync and share solution owncloud, please vote here
Anonymous commented
I would definately like to see this integrate with Owncloud - would be a pretty killer app for us
Roger Siegenthaler commented
I would love to see this firstly as a fully open API to plug in to. This would also allow you to use the same API to power your own game platform to post things into the chat and sidebars.