Ability to disable rendering of animated emoji, or to hide posts, to improve performance
The problem I am having is that in some channels when users are using tons of animated emojis, I am seeing my CPU sit at >=30%. If I then switch to a more static channel, the CPU usage drops off the top of the list.
The feature I would love is to either:
* Have the ability to disable the rendering of animated emojis (or gifs?)
* Or to have the ability to hide posts
Currently I have to make sure never to leave a heavy animated channel as my active channel.

Andrew Abernathy commented
The performance aspect is notable, but my primary concern is the fact that it's extremely distracting, making it very difficult to read other posts, and effectively impossible to just leave the window visible.
I would welcome any of a variety of solutions, but I believe my preference is for the previous suggestion of looping a few times (maybe around 5 seconds would be enough to attract initial attention without being unbearably annoying?), then only animating when the mouse is over the relevant post.
(I mean, my personal preference is for no looping animation, but if people are going to use the feature, that is a compromise which I think would be a bearable level of annoyance for me.)
Konstantin Cherednichenko commented
I hate animated emojis and custom statuses. Why I can't disable the feature for my session? Currently I need to use custom proxy to filter all queries from Mattermost Desktop.
Derek commented
I'm on board with gubbins suggestion of having it loop once or twice, then maybe getting a "GIF" circle, or play button, over it if you want to watch it again.
gubbins commented
Please please please, it's killing me :)
gubbins commented
Perhaps we could also have an option to specify how many times the gif should loop after becoming visible.