Confirm with ping warning before sending (at)all (at)everyone (at)here (at)channel mentions
Notifications are challenging, and a common source of friction seems to be "hey, you triggered a notification I didn't want by saying (at)all".
Slack handles this nicely: they intercept the message before send, and advise the user of the outcome.
By using (at)all, you are about to notify 123 people in 12 timezones. Are you sure? [edit message] [send now]

This feature is complete. Ticket:
mac commented
I dislike this feature and at least want the option to disable it.
[Deleted User] commented
I totally agree, this should be turned off by default
irritated scrum master commented
Please give me an option to disable. it is so annoying!!! I know what I am doing and its a channel for the whole squad I work with
anonymous commented
Give an option to disable this. We use this properly, and it's obnoxious as heck and interrupts workflow.
Anonymous commented
Really want to disable the @here confirmation on send. My team uses it correctly, and often enough to make this a nuisance warning.
anonymous commented
+1 on not being able to disable this. horrible.
[Deleted User] commented
make this optional or provide 'dont show me this warning again' .... sucks as currently implemented
Anonymous commented
please how do I disable this annoying warning message each time I @here ?
Ulyssei Curry commented
This sucks, and a lot of my co-workers don't like this. We don't want to confirm every time when we send a @channel or @here message. Please give it a customize option. People who don't want that to popup must be able to disable it. It may be enabled by default until users disable it.
Jan Štětina commented
It's not quite complete - asking for the support of @here:
Jan Štětina commented
Hi there, from what I see, this option doesn't affect `@here`, which is equivalent to `@channel`.
Would it be possible to have a warning before using `@here` as well?
Charan Putrevu commented
There are people like me who don't like this. I can't confirm every time when I send a @channel message. Please give it a customize option. People who don't want that to popup must be able to disable it. It may be enabled by default until users disable it.
Hanzei commented
Hi Chris, would love your help!
Proposing a ticket for you:
Chris Burgess commented
Would be happy to give it a shot, especially if MM team are open to mentoring a first contribution :)
Thanks for the feedback!
Anyone interested in helping implement this? If so, we can prioritize opening a Help Wanted ticket.
Chris Burgess commented
Chris Burgess commented
Seems I can't attach an image, but here's the Slack docs on this feature: