Status labels
The idea:
One can set their status to some arbitrary text, which will be shown next to your username.
The command
/status My new status
can be used to change your status, it will then appear next to your screen name in replies:
If the text is too long, it is truncated and you need to hover to see the full status:
It is incredibly useful to be able to see what your team mates are working on. Currently, our team are using a channel for this, but it's pretty inconvinient and quickly gets very messy. It'd be much nicer if this is just some updatable label integrated into mattermost.
Thanks for listening.

Custom user statuses are available in Mattermost v5.33 and later. Learn more on our blog:
Anonymous commented
Are custom statuses only for Enterprise edition? We self-host a Team edition and do not see the custom status option.
Anonymous commented
Will add our voices here too, I know some things are in the works but this simple implementation you had in mind way back when would be a perfect first step!
Christian Waidner commented
One of the killer features mentioned in Slack vs. Mattermost. Need this!
Come on, the original ticket is from 2017, there is a spec. Just do it :-) -
Les pole commented
I really miss this in MM, please add
Anonymous commented
We need it
Anonymous commented
We need it to please
Akila Mendis commented
Any progress on this ?
Konstantin commented
Doesn't seem like there has been any progress other than the proposal over a year ago? Would be such an easy yet powerful feature 🙌
Neil commented
This would be very helpful to advise others if I am in a meeting
Anonymous commented
Hi, is there any update on the timeline?
toto commented
any eta when this feature will be released?
erSitzt commented
We have internal devs and external devs who sometimes are in house and it would be nice to know where they are.
When i say "it's easier when i come over.." in a discussion they sometimes tell me they have to shower first... because they work remotely :( -
TGIIK commented
I'd give this more votes, if possible. For business use, that would mean that Mattermost is usable for "presence". The office can see who's reachable at which extension (rotational workspaces and no personal phone numbers as well as home office and road warriors mean people can be everywhere), other colleagues can find you - can't stress the importance of this feature enough.
Balu commented
This is something we have used with Jabber all the time.
You should be able to add the message with the other shortcuts like /away /online and /offline too.
This helps to inform people what's up. "/away Installing server in datacenter".
Bonus point for making it possible to see that a status is set and what it reads in the sidebar / DM list too.
Anonymous commented
it shouldn't be /me but a separate command