Add support for S3 server-side-encryption
AWS S3 supports server-side-encryption it would be good if this could be either enabled by default, or configured.
It looks like this should be a fairly small change - the goamz library already has an "SSE" bool flag in the S3 options structure which enables server-side-encryption.
I don't have any experience with go, but I'd be happy to attempt to add this feature myself.
This feature is complete and shipped with v4.2
ben lewis commented
Server-Side encryption is about data encryption at rest, that is, Amazon S3 ... With Client-Side encryption, you add an extra layer of security by encrypting data
Tejay Cardon commented
@claes initial investigation seems to suggest it IS enough to just set the x-amz headers, which minio supports. Hopefully that will be enough to get this accepted by the MM team :).
Claes Mogren commented
I noticed the recent switch to minio-go. Do they also support Server Side Encryption? Is it enough to send the x-amz-server-side-encryption header?