Option to push-notify to mobile even when logged in elsewhere
The following would be great:
An Option to push-notify even when logged in elsewhere:
a) push notifications are only sent when the user is logged out everywhere (Status quo)
b) push notifications are sent even when user is logged in currently
Probable Use Case: Stil logged in on Desktop in the Office, but being on the road with a smartdevice

In v3.1 (release date June 16th) push notifications are sent even if you are logged in.
Marcel commented
I totally agree that this needs finer settings. I'm currently logged into native Windows client and my iPhone looks like a christmas tree ;)
Casper commented
It seems this feature request made it into jira as issue PLT-3461 and will probably someday happen: https://mattermost.atlassian.net/browse/PLT-3461 Although @admin states this is already completed, that is incorrect. The OPTION to change push-notification behaviour is not added.
Nicolas Raoul commented
Can this be disabled? Now each notification must be marked as read on each device separately, which is really time-wasting and distracting.
Anonymous commented
Sokratis, go to Account Settings > Notifications > Mobile push notifications and you can set the option to "only mentions and direct messages". Does this help?
This is for Mattermost 3.1.
Sokratis Galiatsis commented
Although I am currently in my team and my status is online, the iOS application keeps sending me push notifications. Is this normal behaviour? It's like a flood of push notifications for each and every message I receive regardless of my status (online, away, offline).
David commented
Hi guys,
would love this. Also I would love, if there was a notification to my smartphone with popup / lockscreen notification (I gues this is what we define as push here), every time someone postet in a channel / private group I am in. Every time really. So more like a Whatsapp behaviour. I am currently missing notifications by collegues cause I dind't get notified properly (not logged out long enaough, still logged it on another machine / App). So, notify us always on our smartphone, please. With option to deactivate this for people who find this annoying though. Thanks! -
Umar commented
I would also love for this to be an option, we run into the same type of issue here in the office.
Also the following is an issue:
1. Not logged into your computer
2. using the app to speak to someone
3. go to another app
4. don't get notifications because the app is still 'logged in'