Bot Users
Slack provides tighter integration for bots like hubot and calls it Bot Users. Slack's documentation describes it in depth:
For example, one of the most import advantages is talking to the bot in a private manner (direct message).
It would be great if Mattermost provided this.

Thank you for nominating the feature! It is now available in Mattermost 5.12. Would anyone like to help re-tweet the announcement?
Anonymous commented
Anybody tell me how to integrate chat boat with mattermost
Anonymous commented
Petar commented
hubot-matteruser still requires creating a user which in turn will hold all these messages so there is a known username/password that has to be provided and can be used later by someone to read all user messages making it less private than expected
Eliot Berriot commented
I agree, this is really important, especially when you have some slash commands / webhooks that produce outputs and you don't want to share with everybody in a channel.
Lee Theobald commented
I certainly would like to see this feature and could try and help out with the coding if needs be. I would need to learn Go and potentially React as I went along but that's no bad thing.
Thanos Kyritsis commented
Talking in private with the bot is provided by this new project: I can leave this suggestion here if there is interest to implement/mimick slack's bot-users API in the future.