Create an ARM build pathway
Right now there's no approved way to do mattermost on ARM. I think ti'd be a great idea to fix that, and I'm working on fixing it myself. If I get a definitive result, I will post it in the regular forums and/or submit a pull request.

Tom Whiting commented
8 years later, and STILL no ARM release? Come on now, people
Anonymous commented
There is a ARM Build from SmartHoneybee -
Jonathan Tan commented
I believe this is referring to running a Mattermost server on ARM correct? Is there a big blocker to running this on ARM? missing libraries?
Anonymous commented
Is there something new to this? Would love to have mattermost on my Raspberry Pi 3B+!
Anonymous commented
> ARM has been discussed internally and to set expectations, it's not likely the official Mattermost project could support ARM in the near term because of the variations in architectures, the difficulty in building a volunteer community to run the extensive monthly manual tests required to adopt a new platform
Then just support the Raspberry PI 3 Model B as it is widely available and popular.
If there are a lot of people picking it up, you can reconsider. -
Jonas commented
basically the idea would be to run mattermost, gitlab and a voice/video/screen sharing server (as long as mattermost does not do that really)
Jonas commented
Well I could get docker to run, mysql 5.7, and many other things. But I cannot install mattermost on my Raspberry PI3 Model B. Sad times...
Anonymous commented
I'd love to have Mattermost on my Raspberry Pi 2 or 3... Thanks for your dedication to this project.
Jean-Claude Wippler commented
+1 - With an Odroid XU4 server (RasPi-like, 8-core, 2G RAM), it would be nice to be able to run MM as docker instance. The Ubuntu 16.04 release supports Docker out of the box, but as mentioned, the image you get appears to have x86 binaries in it at the moment.
MMG commented
I have currently two Usecases for which mattermost on Arm (Rapberry Pi, Cubox-i, Odroid, ...) would be nice.
1. Offsite meetings or small conferences. A temporary mattermost Installation could keep everyone informed and easily supply documents.(Users <100, some Documents for up to a week)
2. Demonstrator. I have the situation where in our company we want to get rid of slack. A small demonstrator on arm that I can put on the table and everyone can connect to for testing would be nice. This could be done with a notebook too, but having a dedicated device would help.
I know that sounds a bit crazy, but other discussed options are Skype for Business and the like.
having something locally for demonstration that is easy to handle might sway those in charge.For this last Point a Portable App might work too, but from what I have looked at, it is likely to be easier to go the ARM way.
RalfF commented
Would love to see Mattermost running on a ARM-based architecture (actually Odroid C2), too, but I can understand the reservation of the Mattermost team.
Maybe a workaround or some general instructions would be very helpful.
Dan commented
Also would love to see an ARM build or at least a how-to. I'd like to use it on a Cubietruck
Andrea Ruffini commented
I am also interested in ARM building process.
I have a pine64. -
Daniel commented
I also would love to see this and run Mattermost on my Raspberry Pi, but it'd be just as easy to get it going on some other public cloud provider. Keep up the good work Mattermost, if it makes sense to support x86 / ARM in the future then let us know!
ARM has been discussed internally and to set expectations, it's not likely the official Mattermost project could support ARM in the near term because of the variations in architectures, the difficulty in building a volunteer community to run the extensive monthly manual tests required to adopt a new platform
Anonymous commented
I would like to use Mattermost on my dev Raspberry with GitLab!
Tobias Kummer commented
Any news on this front? :)
Craig Engbrecht - Broked Computer Inc. commented
You don't need docker, you can run it under apache and mysql, or postgres.
Before dedicating a lot of work into this, please review the code contribution guidelines so there aren't any surprises regarding the APR process?
Would be helpful to understand the use cases community is interested in having around ARM.
Jacob Gadikian commented
Ah-- okay-- so..... actually one needs docker to build mattermost. I'd almost call the x86 dependency a bug in this case. I will slog through the Dockerfiles and maybe post an issue.