See who's online in a channel
It should be possible to see who's online in a channel. At the moment all you're able to see is a list of all users that are part of the channel, though in order to see who's online you need to create private channels.

Thank you Frank for nominating the feature! It is available in Mattermost 3.4.
Would anyone like to help re-tweet the announcement?
Jose Perez commented
This particular feature isnt really working if users have a custom avatar. Is their a way to switch back and forthe or put in that checkmark when you are online and empty space when offline in the members area of a Channel?
Arnoud ten Hoedt commented
It would be wonderful if there would be a "Display" setting to make the channel members list as a sidebar.
fjarlq commented
The proposed design doesn't appear to address the potential privacy issue: some users may wish to not to disclose their online presence.
Should/will there be a user option to keep presence info private?
Frank commented
Please see the below album for screenshots of my changes: -
Would you be able to add some screenshots on the GitHub commit so we can take a look?
Frank commented
Hi! My changes are here: most recent commit contains the majority of them. First-to-last got borked somehow.
What I did was changed the user's profile image to an exclamation mark, and hid the "message" button so that you can't message offline users. Also, I changed the "extra members" counter to something like this;
1 (20)
Where there is one person online, and 20 offline.
I did the same with the profile images in the "More" list.
Hi Frank, thanks for your note, just curious, how are you indicating online status in your design?
We were going through some options ourselves and saw your post
Frank commented
I've implemented this feature though am unsure of whether or not my implementation is much good. I've also added it to the "More" list, where you can private message people.