Command shortcut for messaging a user (/msg)
In IRC you can type /msg username
or /msg username foo
to open a chat with a user and send them a message (everything after their username). This would be very useful to quickly switch to a conversation with a user. After typing /msg
, an autocomplete list of users pops up, and then you can optionally add a message. I've already built this, would you be interested in this making it upstream?

This feature has been completed and was shipped with v3.4.
Schoaf commented
Unfortunately it does not work for multi user messages.
Alan commented
1.) Yes, that's already added (though there might be a way to optimize performance, right now I'm using `command.GotoLocation` which forces a client refresh it seems.
2.) I was thinking about that too, but wasn't sure how much to "pollute" the shortcut namespace. And from a technical standpoint, I don't see anywhere to easily drop in aliases. Am I missing something or would the ability to do that need to be built in as well?
Thanks Alan! Would love to take this! A few thoughts:
1. Just to check, after the command is executed, would the user be "transported" to the DM channel so they could hear the reply?
2. Perhaps also alias with `/dm`?