Channel archiving
Sometimes we want to archive a channel when the talk is finished.
ps. Slack has the feature.

Thank you for nominating the feature! It is now available in Mattermost v5.22.
BobLobLaw commented
How is this still not implemented?
Peter Ezetta commented
We would love to see this feature implemented. If possible, being able to automatically archive after a user-defined period of inactivity in the channel would be optimal.
Ben Bodenmiller commented
Would like to see this implemented. Looks like we can now archive channels but I want the ability to view all archived channels, restore archived channels, etc.
Christer commented
Still waiting for this
Anonymous commented
I quite agree. Our department is a little channel happy and I would like to prune project channels when they're done. We also wouldn't be sad to have a feature to export said archive for off-site, historical, searchable record keeping (HTML mayhaps? PDF?). That way we can keep the DB tidy and yet keep a historical record of "why did we make this stupid decision?".
Martin commented
I would like to see this feature. Then we could have a channel for each dev project we are working on and archive the channel after it is done.
Michael D. commented
Yes, this feature would be great for ChatOps. When a Bot creates a new channel for an incident / ticket / case, you normally want to close& archive that channel after some time.
Without that feature you would end up with thousand of channels created by your chatops bot filling up your sidebar. -
Tom Truitt commented
This is presumably an option to deletion. But can any member still delete any channel?
Tom Truitt commented
support for archiving of channels, reserving deletion for admins only
Lukas commented
Anything to be expected here? By quickly googling "mattermost archive", I found this github issue, in which there is a mention of archiving taking the place of deleting - that would be awesome.