Make commenting a one-click easy action
Commenting on a post right now is a (relatively) arduous process--I have to go to the side of the post, click the "..." icon, and then click reply. Once that's been done once on a post, the comment box shows up, but it's still way off to the side and a pain to get to. Because of this, pretty much no one uses the comment features, which causes the channels to get very cluttered without organization.
The far easier and more intuitive way would be to click on a post and get the option to reply to the post right there, either as a pop up menu or as something that drops down underneath the post. I think this would greatly encourage replies and clean up channels.

A “reply” icon has been added to make it easier to reply. if you still feel this is an issue we welcome new feature suggestions on ideas to fix it?
Anonymous commented
I agree here. Commenting is a massive pain at the moment. A suggestion to make this easier. Is to move the comment box into the main feed. That is, you click "comment/reply" and the text box appears in the center of the screen. Writing long responses in a tiny box off to the side of the screen is cluttered and makes reading your own text as well as responses very difficult.
Something similar to the way facebook reply comments work? it's really difficult to describe haha. Do you want me to raise a reature request for this?
Trux Trux commented
I think this could be effectively combined with automatical adding of selected text as quoted to reply message composer. When post text is selected, a "quote" button must be shown just below it. When clicked, selected text will appear as quoted in reply message composer.
Jan Novotný commented
We've installed MM a few days ago in the company and I see that nobody really finds out that there is a reply feature. It's so hidden that nobody finds it on its own.
When replying often I don't really like it either - it's too many clicks away.
I suggest adding a reply link visible next to the message - or better open a reply form by clicking at the message.
Jon Grace-Cox commented
I like the current functionality, and use it a lot, but you're right. Our new users don't seem to use it, and I think you're right about why. Displaying the Reply text box under a message might make it more intuitive, and obvious that it's a reply. Displaying the box either when you click on a post, or something easier than clicking on the bubble / or reply button would also make it more intuitive / natural to use.