Video/Audio/Screenshare feature
Add feature to make video/audio calls (personal/group)

Introducing Voice Calling and Screen Sharing in Channels!
Thanks to everyone who has upvoted this feature. We're excited to announce voice calling and screen sharing is available in beta with Mattermost v7.0. Whether it's a quick call for when something is easier to talk through than type out, recurring office hours, a timely screen share to demo something, or a several day war room discussion to fix a critical issue - there's tons great use cases for voice calls in Mattermost that don't require leaving the ecosystem.
Interested in trying it out? You'll need to upgrade to Mattermost v7.0 and as a beta feature, it must be enabled by your server's System Administrator. You can learn more in our release blog, and can direct any feedback or questions to feature channel.
This has been a long time coming and we're incredibly excited to announce that native voice calling and screen sharing is now available in public beta for both Cloud and self-hosted customers!
See here for the blog post:
Cross commented
Any progress so far? This is a highly requested feature!!
Anders commented
any update regarding this?
Christian Johannsen commented
Hi, we have two options to allow this feature!
BigBlueButton Server (on-premise, open-source):
Zoom (off-premise):
Here is why (scroll down):
I wrote how easy BBB is:
Hope this helps.
Aleksei Zaitsev commented
3 years passed, no progress
Sebastian Schwarz commented
I want this. Definitely! :D
sarfaraz commented
screen sharing and conferencing is required to explain the matter
John Simmons commented
Slack has this functionality - Mattermost needs it!
Murkho commented
Add phone number in contact card and utilize tel: protocol handler for invoking call capability using Jabber or Lync soft phone. The following number format (tel://+442075613215) already gets enabled for click to call on MM app/web.
A4444fdf commented
Foo commented
For goodness sakes people, stop complaining that the feature is only available on enterprise...just pay the money. It's not very expensive and it will help us all in the long run... I did.
Данил Котин commented
very sad that the possibility of an audio \ video conferencing only planned for Enterprise Edition
neo inuit commented
Apparently a guy wanna do that too, with appear in :
neo inuit commented
This feature seems to be included only in the Enterprise Edition E20, , i would definitevely go for a slash command made home to delegate this to my own jitsi meet server.
Anonymous commented
Mattermost 3.5 supports an early preview of video and audio calling option using a self-hosted proxy:
The feature is currently intended as a working prototype for community development and not recommended for production.
You can report connection issues in our Troubleshooting forums:
Tom Engman commented
This is the only remaining feature that is keeping our (quite large) organization from switching from Lync/Skype to Mattermost as our official IM-solution, I really hope this happens as Skype makes me nauseous..
Christian Anton commented
Team Communication would benefit a lot of a screen sharing functionality. It should contain a "request remote control" functionality to hold team meetings, feature explanations etc directly in Mattermost.
Anonymous commented
This is will be great. before this idea, can you guys add smth so simple, skype call with skype deeplinks in mac(maybe windows)
Václav Greif commented
+1 looks really cool, and should be pretty easy to integrate...
lh commented