Change favicon for new notifications
There is currently support for new notifications via the Notifications API. However, once this notification disappears there are no indications that anything has changed. It would be helpful to change the favicon to indicate when a new, unread message/post has been received. This feature is found in Slack/WhatsApp/Messager currently work.

The favicon should change to red, and a the browser tab shows a * to indicate unread messages and a number in brackets to indicate mentions. (Added in v1.2.1)
Anonymous commented
Since Mattermost 4.6 it changes to red only for direct messages, not for channel messages
Anonymous commented
Over a year passed and it still doesn't seem to work, anyone looking into this?
dipnlik Alexandre Lima commented
In my experience the title changes but the favicon does not change. This is bad because I cannot use the webapp as a pinned tab in Chrome. I don't think this is a local issue because a coworker also sees the same behavior. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.