(Moderator, Mattermost)
My feedback
68 results found
18 votes
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17 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks Martin,
Could you share more about the use case?
Trying to understand the priority of this feature versus other options, e.g.:
1. Having a team leader just say "@channel everyone please enter your First and Last names so it's easier to identify everyone."
2. Turning System Console > Privacy Setting > Show Email Address to "true"
32 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Hi Walter, and anyone watching for this feature,
Contributions highly welcome for anyone who wants to add to the Web Service API documentation:
It's definitely used by Community Applications:
If each developer were to add one or two methods, it would be a huge benefit to the community. If it's your first PR on a Mattermost project, we've got a custom-designed Mug for you:
Right now the best way to understand the Web Service is to examine the Golang driver, or possibly the Javascript driver.
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks Michael, here's a start to the documentation:
Incoming webhooks in Mattermost v1.1 (available since 10/16) are largely Slack compatible and you can view examples here:
Outgoing webhooks are on master, some apps from the link above use them already, and they'll be out in Mattermost v1.2 on 11/16
Mattermost now ships monthly on the 16th.
An error occurred while saving the comment We're almost there, we demo'd the APIs and examples internally today, just need some time to finish the documentation. Mattermost v1.0 is available to download:
Mattermost v1.1 is planned for Oct 16, and from then on we plan to ship on the 16th of the month regularly. (Moderator, Mattermost) shared this idea ·
14 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Syntax highlighting is available starting in v1.2.1. Updated the title of this feature request to focus on adding line numbers.
25 votes
There is a community integration with GitHub here:
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks Marenz,
myshov, there's another GitHub-Mattermost implementation from at King's College London:
9 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Just to add, if anyone wants to build this, you can use either Mattermost outgoing webhooks or APIs/drivers described at:
There are several open source projects that do two-way interaction with Mattermost channels that could be used as a reference for this as well: (Moderator, Mattermost) shared this idea ·
29 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Discussion continues here:
1 vote
Accepting merge requests for package installation instructions
An error occurred while saving the comment From Kevin Coletta (from the previous Feature Request forum): There should probably be a simple solution for building this out for development so people can contribute. I haven't used docker much before so it's probably just my inexperience there, but if I want to try adding a feature or changing something up, it's not clear how I can do that at the moment. (Moderator, Mattermost) shared this idea ·
Is this covered by the ability to delete a team from the command line?