Add a Tablet / iPad version of Second Generation Mobile Apps
The second generation mobile apps currently are not designed to support tablets.
If you would like to see tablet / iPad support, please help upvote this feature idea so we can track the demand for it.

Beta support for tablet/iPad was added in v1.3
Thomas commented
it works on ipad but I would like to have the same layout than the classic version with the sidebar always visible
Anonymous commented
iPad support needed to allow sending composed messages and comments.
Twilek commented
The new iOS Version looks good on a Ipad. One might mark this feature as resolved.
Nathaniel Eisenberg commented
Mattermost classic is largely broken on the latest (4.2.0). Please get the current generation of app working on the iPad.
Mark Seamans commented
Hell yes.
Joern commented
We desperately need an iPad version.
Mickael commented
We desperately need an iPad version.
Hongdangyeu commented
thank a lot. i also want to add a Table/Ipad version of Second Generation Mobile Apps
Anonymous commented
We use Mattermost ist Split Screen Mode (slim view to the right on the big iPad Pro) to read and write messages mostly. Occasionally send links and upload images.
Anonymous commented
Especially for enterprise users it is crucial that the Mattermost client is a Universität application. Supporting all display sizes as well as split screen modes.
Anonymous commented
yes, its very important to have a tablet version.
please do it.