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6 results found

  1. transform message to into an answer to message above

    people are often sloppy in using answers to messages and just type it to the channel when it should be an answer to the message above.
    I propose a button visible to the author and admins that allows to transform a message into an answer to the message above.
    I hope it'll help to create more consistency in the usage of the answer/thread feature.

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  2. It would be great if the search for the field position was possible.

    i can't find any persons in channel or in personal messages by Position.

    For example i have 3 "web-developer" users, and 2 "c# developers", i can find then by FirstName, LastName, nickname but field "Position" is out of search.

    It would be great if the search for the field position was possible.

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  3. Map Lync/Skype for Business user presence to Mattermost


    We use Lync/Skype for Business as the primary communications tool at my company, but for small project/team communications we use a self-hosted Mattermost server, because it's obviously 9000 times better than SFB.

    However, Mattermost (especially the desktop client) does not integrate very well with Windows regarding the user's presence.

    Short Scenario:
    If I lock my computer, SFB immediately sets my presence to Away, meanwhile Mattermost doesn't.

    On the other way around, if I minimize the Mattermost Desktop client to the tray, and I have an other application running on full-screen, after a short period, Mattermost goes to mark…

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  4. Make notifications for multi-person direct messages work the same as for single-person direct messages.

    Make notifications for multi-person direct messages work the same as for single-person direct messages.

    Scroll down to the bottom of the Direct Message section in the channel bar and click More...

    Choose 2 names to send a message to and click Go

    Type a message in the chat window

    Expected behavior
    On the recipients' clients, the taskbar icon should show a red dot with a number (eg: 1)

    On the system tray icon, a red dot should appear.

    Observed behavior
    On the recipients' clients, the taskbar icon shows a red dot with a white dot in the middle…

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  5. Polls (like doodle or for decision making)

    Creating and participating in Polls would be great,
    to be embedded within a message.
    Like in Doodle, Facebook or Threema:

    Option | User1 | User2 | ...

    Coke | x | |
    Sprite | x | x |


    Option | Votes

    Coke | 3/15 Users
    Sprite | 2/15 Users

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  6. Create a "already used tags" drop down menu when typing # , based on the already used hashtags

    To preserve or moderate a given thread , theme or channel, tagging them makes the search much easier afterwards. But to make sure, that the given hashtags will be the same (tag cloud?), by typing # a dropdown should show up with already used tags. Behavior could be the same lile with @ or :(for smileys!).

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