Copy / Zoom on image in preview (same as Slack / Skype)
Integrate similar image previews as in Skype / Slack, rather than just "Download":
- Enable copy pasting of an image from preview
- Enable zoom on image when passing mouse over it
- Open preview in a sub-window for better viewing

Label and status updated.
Charles commented
Enable zoom 👍 thanks !
Florian Rittmeier commented
Zooming in the Desktop client would make things a lot better! :-)
Fabio Tani commented
Particularly zooming would be great, I used mattermost not in fullscreen mode, as I presume most do, and because of that on the space that it is, unless I zoom the window the images are normally small.
I noticed the PDF plugin allows zooming in to read the text :D -
Grant commented
It would be great to be able to zoom in or see images full screen that are posted to a MM channel. As it is, our team often has to download the image and then open it in an image viewer that supports zooming in to see the image content. This is cumbersome and adds extra steps to an otherwise simple task: viewing an image sent via MM.
Duplicate feature request: