Add optional custom headers to slash command requests
I have recently implemented a small custom slash command for our company, that makes a GET request to an AWS API Gateway resource, baked by an AWS Lambda function. This is a very conventient way to implement simple, for lack of a better, less overused term, microservices in a serverless environment.
One limitation with this approach is that to secure such a API Gateway + Lambda service, AWS relies on API keys, which have to be sent in the form of a custom request header X-API-Key, lest we implement yet another separate Lambda function to serve as the so called authorizer, which allows using a request query parameter instead (e.g. we could make the slash command URL something like
It would be great if we could specify custom headers to be included in the slash command request, so in this instance, if we could specify something like.
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Request Headers: X-API-Key: whateverTheAwsKeyIs