Diagrams and flowcharts support (Markdown)
Mermaid (Introduced in GitLab 10.3)
It is possible to generate diagrams and flowcharts from text using Mermaid.
In order to generate a diagram or flowchart, you should write your text inside the mermaid block.
More info on:
- Gitlab Mermaid: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/doc/user/markdown.md#mermaid
- Mermaid official page's: https://mermaidjs.github.io/
- Mermaid Github with examples: https://github.com/knsv/mermaid
Khalid Bashir commented
It's a feature proposal for mattermost
Kenneth Bingham commented
Although it would be ideal if the Markdown parser recognized Mermaid diagrams like GitHub does, I can also imagine a bot that does the recognizing and the rendering and posts the image right inside the thread. Would that be annoying and intrusive or welcome and helpful?
Timo Friedl commented
It would be very great if Mattermost would support mermaid just like it supports other markdown. Gitlab here is only mentioned as it also supports it.
Simon Gardner commented
I also think this would be a very useful feature. and it isn't a feature proposal for gitlab.
If Mattermost supported the Markdown Mermaid syntax it would be possible to share and collaborate on (node) graphs directly in messages.
It would be a very powerful feature. I was sad when I discovered this page and realised MM didn't support mermaid :(
Fabianski_tr commented
Gitlab already supports this feature the problem is that if you consult information that uses Mermaid in a readme.md of a project in Gitlab, Mattermost is not able to show that flowchart because it does not support it.
Thanks Fabianski_tr! Is this a feature proposal for GitLab?
If so, you can open a feature proposal at https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/new using the "Feature Proposals" template.